t h i r t y s i x

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"ahh miss ha, what a lovely surprise to see you here." jeonghan's honeyed voice echoing inside the big office. she walked hesitantely inside and towards the men sitting. 

"annyeonghaseyo jeonghan-ssi." she bowed only to receive a bow from the real state agent too. "i didn't know you worked here as well." he said glancing at kihyun and then back at her.

she chuckled nervously. "ah... right, i am an intern here." she said playing anxiously with a loose strand of hair. jeonghan smirked at the girl and drank a sip of water that had been served to him previously. 

"yes indeed you are, i didn't know until yoo sajangnim told me." he said leaning back on the chair, elbows resting at each side of the chair armrests as his fingers entwined under his chin. 

"you see... i was telling him how charming you were and how i'd love to have a dinner with you... but regrettably... he insisted in me dropping the subject since you were one of his interns." he said narrowing his eyes, clearly amused by the nature of the relationship between seol and yoo kihyun. 

"we have a no-dating policy here for our interns, that's why." kihyun's voice was quickly audible in the room. jeonghan glanced at him and back at seol smirking. 

"gwenchana... i understand. either was i asked seol-ssi out and she declined so, there's no need to worry." 

seol noticed kihyun's eyes widening for a second and his jaw clenching, apparently he didn't know this. "ah yes... the policy- she chuckled nervously, running a hand through her hair. it was obvious there was tension in the room but seol didn't know the previous conversation the pair had before she arrived. 

"is your friend really single?" jeonghan asked, rubbing his chin with his long fingers. kihyun quickly looked up from the real state contract and stared at him. 

"what friend? what do you mean?" 

jeonghan's smirk accentuated. "seol-ssi?... she mentioned you two were friends... although i must admit, i wasn't convinced at all, the way you look at her... there must be something else there, right?" 

the ceo swallowed hard as he stared at the blonde with a severe expression. "she's just an intern." 

jeonghan chuckled. "ah jinjja? here?... woah this is really interesting, so do you care this much about all your interns? or workers in general?" but soon their conversation was interrupted by a nervous-looking seol opening the door.

jeonghan stared from head to toe at the anxious girl, biting softly his lip. he noticed the silence and tension inside the office so he clapped once. "but... i am here for work so... you contract is ready miss ha, you sign it and you can move in 24h." he said excitedly, with a bright smile on. 

seol smiled awkwardly as she glanced at kihyun for approval, but he looked focused on the contract. "ah yes, kamsahamnida." she said walking towards the desk, standing next to kihyun, waiting to sign the contract. jeonghan looked at the pair in detail. 

"well... everything seems in order miss ha." he said sliding the contract towards her and handing her his personal pen, without looking at her but instead almost glaring at jeonghan, who looked back at him with an amused smile. 

seol nodded and grabbed the pen, quickly signing in the stated free spaces. she trusted the ceo with all her will, she didn't need to check the contract. 

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