t h i r t y

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seol's eyes widened after she read it. 


her cheeks covered in a deep bright pink as she sat straight on her chair. she felt her ears becoming hot as her heart raced.


it was the first time he used a pet name with her, he was always cold and distant but lately he had been acting really different towards her, not that she was complaining. 

she didn't know what to text back. probably calling him a pet name right immediately would be a sign of her being desperate to get into the fluffy part of any relationship. but she had to remind herself again that this wasn't exactly a relationship. 

after receiving a text from changkyun telling her he was going downstairs for the d-lunch, she forgot about it and just let her phone there and went downstairs to have lunch with her fellow designers. 


"thanks god you arrived! i am hungry." she heard jooheon's voice coming from the living room. he was sitting on the couch, playing video games. 

seol walked inside the apartment as she took a bag with groceries to the kitchen. jooheon paused the videogame and followed her. "so how was work?"

"it was fine-

"did you talk with that changkyun guy?" 

she turned to look at his insisting eyes. "yes."

jooheon smiled widely. "so he's coming tomorrow?" seol just nodded. "arasseo... we should clean around you know." he said with a hand under his chin as he examined the apartment.

"he's just coming to have dinner that's all, it's not a big deal."

"well he's been taking care of you the past weeks so it is." jooheon said with a scolding yet cute face. seol rolled her eyes . "whatever."

"what you did you bring?"

"he likes italian food or at least that's what his facebook profile says."

"so we're cooking italian?" 

seol just nodded as jooheon helped her unpack the things from the bag. suddenly her phone beeped, she had left it on the countertop, she tried to ignore it but jooheon noticed and grabbed it quickly.

"someone's texting you- she didn't even let him finish the sentence, she quickly snatched the phone from his hands, leaving jooheon both surprised and confused.

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