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his dark grey eyes widened in surprise. he was expecting questions maybe about the kiss but he had apologized already, maybe about work or about the situation they were in, but never about that.

"mwo?" he asked, his voice managing to come out clean and steady. he couldn't believe his voice didn't crack.

"that night... i realized your room was across mine- dopunim." she added in a sense of guilt. she didn't have even her first month there and she didn't want to be fired in the first couple of weeks.

he breathed in, a heavy long breath and held his gaze on hers. "it was just a coincidence." he asnwered, his tone becoming colder each passing second.

"geundae... why was i given a big important task when i arrived the company if i am only an intern-

he quickly tilted his head, eyes widening and not even giving her time to finish her sentence. "we like to challenge our staff, rank doesn't matter."

she swallowed hard. "geundae... why the designers were put in this wagon, close to yours?"

"you guys are the least noisy, i wanted a quiet and peaceful trip which apparently i didn't get." he said looking around. 

"geundae... why you asked me about with whom i drank the night before, that day-

"miss ha...are you questioning me?" his expression changed into a intense one, he stared at her and suddenly took a step closer. "are you implying something miss ha?" he tilted his head in a serpentine head movement, intimidating her even more. 

"a-aniyo... do-dopunim..." she quickly mumbled, eyes bigger due to the tension between them. even if they were trapped in a small place and even if he had taken a step closer and now they were facing each other and she could get a better look of him. 

"then why would you interrogate me like that?"

"aniyo... i wasn't interrogating you- she stopped midsentence when she noticed his face was really close to hers. he stared at her light brown orbs as if he was staring at her soul. the sight of him was threatening, he was surely intimidating, but she couldn't understand if it had a negative or a positive vibe to her. he licked his lips in a swift move as his eyes traveled from hers down to her full lips. 

"miss ha... you're so- 

"dopunim?" a voice came from outside of the bathroom, making kihyun stop on his tracks. his eyes widened and turned around, sighing he fixed his hair and shirt and finally cursed under his breath. "yes, i am here, we're stuck in the bathroom." 

"omo yoo dopunim, gwenchanayo? how long have you been there-

"minhyuk-ssi please get me out of here now." his tone didn't reach the yell level, but it was steady, almost as if he was annoyed. a cold glance towards the girl made her shiver under her own arms that hugged her small frame.

"wait a minute, i'll look for the security guard." minhyuk's voice faded away as they heard one of the door closing. kihyun sighed in relief as he turned around and looked at seol. "we're getting out of here." he simply mumbled.

she nodded, a bit confused over his behavior. she noticed he was really strange and his mood swings were constant. one second he was mysterious and relaxed, the other he was annoyed and upset. his changes of mood were overwhelming.

after a few minutes mihyuk returned with a security guard, who took at least 10 minutes to open the door, only to reveal an exhausted yoo kihyun and an ashamed ha seol. 

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