t h r e e

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she sat back and smiled at the final work. she had checked plenty times before realizing it was finally done, in the same day she started. a big smile was drawn across her face as she stood from the chair to stretch her extremities.

her clock marked 4:35 p.m and she still had 25 minutes until her first day of work as an intern was done. she thought about calling wonho to show her work but she wanted someone else's opinion first.

seol walked out of her cubicle and walked towards the cubicle 8. a dirty blonde sat in front of a desk that looked exactly like hers. in his glasses, the big mac screen was reflected, it looked like his eyes were squared and white.

after knocking the door softly she opened it and walked inside. "excuse me... i am ha seol, i am the new intern, wonho told me that if i ever-

"i know, he told you to come here, right?" he said without taking his eyes off the screen, his voice sounded totally unamused. she just nodded.

"go on."

"he told me to come to cubicle 8 if i needed help with my job-

"he called me cubicle 8?" he looked at her for the first time. his eyes were brown and soft, humble. even if his face had a severe expression, as if he was super tired and needed a 3 year vacation, his eye expression was soft and somehow trustworthy.

"yes." she said nodding. he closed his eyes and rubbed his temples, letting go of the graphic tablet's pen he was holding.

"i can believe it... even after 5 years he still calls me cubicle 8..." he mumbled shaking his head.

she cleared her throat, confused over the boy's expressions. "excuse me?" she mumbled, nervous of what he could say.

"and you do?" he asked, sitting back, crossing his arms on his chest. "i do... what?"

"you need help with your job?" he asked tilting his head, she just shook her head. "mm no, i mean... i just- i finished it and i would like to know your opinion since you're the veteran intern in here- she stopped talking when she noticed the boy's shocked expression.

"is that what he said? that i was a veteran intern?" he expressed as he stood from the chair. his face looked shocked as if he couldn't believe his own ears. she took a couple of steps back and finally hit the door.

"what else did he say?" he asked, trying to look menacing but his eyes were too soft to actually make her feel threatened.

"nothing else."

"aish.... i can't believe it." he closed his eyes, shaking his head in disapproval. "i am not a veteran intern just to let you know. i am a hired graphic designer, full time, he just hates me enough to even give me a decent office, that's it. but we went to school together, he's just a pain in the ass." the blonde said as he shook his head and opened the door.

she swallowed hard, standing there, not knowing what to do or say. "after you?" he said as if he was waiting for her to lead the way.

once she showed him the video, he nodded. a short but sharp nod. "it's good. it's good stuff... where did you attend?"

"seoul's art and design institute." he nodded in approval. "nice. you did great and... extremely fast for being an intern. good job." he said standing from the desk and giving her a thumbs up.

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