f o r t y s i x

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"because this is not the first time this has happened seol."

the look on seol's eyes changed in realization. hyungwon's warns at the begining seemed out of place, she didn't understand why he wanted to warn her. but as she grew to know the ceo, she started to question everything. 

now it was more than obvious why he wanted to warn her, not only to protect her but because it had happened before. that meant, there had been others before her. 

"i didn't want to come to this point... but you're not the first one and you'll probably won't be the last." hyungwon kept saying as he stared at her, eagerly wishing he would slap some sense into her.

"you need to know this seol... kihyun doesn't give a shit about you and he never will." seol's eyes widened in shock. even if the ceo broke the contract and ended whatever relationship they had. deep but very very deep inside, she hoped it was all a nightmare and that next day she'd wake up in his arms.

but hyungwon was talking nothing but the truth. "i just wanted to help you but you didn't listen." he finally said, shaking his head in disapproval and taking the last shot of soju. 

she felt her chest hurting as reality hit her. "how many?"

hyungwon looked at her confused, his head tilted. "how many what?"

"how many before me?" 

his clouded expression softened as his lips pressed in a thin line. "i don't think you'd like to know-

"please." she begged, her eyes clouding with tears. hyungwon knew she probably wouldn't like to hear the answer to this question, or any she had. 

"i need to know, so i can hate him and move on." she added, leaning closer on the table, bringing her fist down to the wooden surface. 

hyungwon glanced at her fist and then returned to her hurt eyes. "13... that i know. with you, that'd make 14." 

seol took her hands to her mouth as the tears ran down her cheeks. she couldn't believe her ears. "when!?"

hyungwon swallowed hard. "the last one was 2 months ago-

"that's not possible- he... he told me he hadn't dated in years-

"that was a fucking lie seol, that's what he does... he lies all the time." she stood from the ground and took a few steps back. hyungwon followed with his worried eyes. 

"i am sorry you had to go through this- he started but stopped once he noticed she wasn't really listening to her. 

"this is all my fault." he heard her mumbling. he stood quickly from the ground and followed her.

"it's not your fault... or well, not entirely." she shook her head as she tried to wip the tears away.

"it was always the same, he'd hire some random girl to have sex with and when he got bored, he'd end the contract and hunt another one." 

seol looked at him with big eyes, somehow hating what was coming out of hyungwon's mouth but longing to hear more. something had triggered inside her and she passionately needed to hate him right now. 

"the girl was always left behind, he wouldn't care about her. some of them took it fine, but others didn't." 

he was tired. tired of cleaning up after kihyun's messes. he was literally ashamed of being related to him.  but just as if seol could read minds, he noticed how her expression hardened. 

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