s e v e n t y n i n e

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warnings: smutty dialogues and light smut ahead. if you're under 18 do not read, skip this chapter if you're not comfortable reading wild stuff. 


after all the drinking and the talking, seol found herself more loose around kihyun's family. she sat with nahyun and sooyeon and talked for hours inside as the men stayed outside drinking at the terrace. 

"i am so lucky... - mrs. bong started - i mean... i have two boys and the two of them seem to have such nice and humble and pretty girlfriends... - she sighed - they look happy." she nodded. 

"they are... i mean kihyunnie looks so happy too." sooyeon said. the woman nodded.

"so did you two have sex already?" seol's eyes widened as she choked. "oh dear!" she exclaimed patting her back again. 

"are you alright? do you have trouble swallowing? do you need a tissue?" soon jaesuk popped from nowhere with a tissue for her. 

"a-aniyo- gwenchana." she said bowing her head. 

"uh..." she started once her breathing calmed down. "uh- it's not- it's... not correct to have inti-timate relantionships b-before the wedding." she managed to say. thinking about admitting this to her newbie mother in law was just nerve wraking, she preffer to say what was taught since school, it wasn't exactly a lie. she didn't say they weren't sleeping, she just said it wasn't correct.

"aish... we're in the 21st century - she said taking a sip of her drink - you should have sex before marriage... because what if he can't satisfy you?" she said with widened eyes. it seemed she was talking really serious about it. 

"you need to try the merch before wedding, do not wait-

"eomeoni!" sooyeon exclaimed, covering her mouth, trying to hide the giggle forming on her throat.

"i am being honest! in our time, we were forced to marry without really knowing the guy, lots of women were unhappy... thankfully it wasn't my case." she said crossing herself. the three of them laughed, trying to keep it down. 

"either way... i am very liberal so you should totally have sex before marriage, we only live once you know? i give you my blessing completely, and kihyunnie is a babe - she said lifting her eyebrows - not because it's my son, but he is so handsome, hyunwoo too, they're both studs." she said moving her shoulders and giving suggestive looks at the two daughter in law.

they giggled at the same time as the men returned inside. kihyun stared at them with inquisitve eyes. "what are you talking about?" he asked, taking a seat next to seol.

"oh... about how tired we are, right? we should all go to bed now... to... sleep..." she said winking at seol and sooyeon. "kaja yeobo." she said grabbing her husband by the hand and dragging him along. 

even though seol felt incredibly shy about talking those things with her mother in law, she loved the idea of her being so open and caring and even funny. she definitely seemed like a reliable mother and even a reliable mother in law. 

"goodnight!" they all said to the parents as they disappeared through the hall. hyunwoo turned on the tv and poured more drinks to them. 

"shall we watch something? or play something?" 

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