s e v e n t y e i g h t

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"my family wants to meet you."  the words hit seol like a truck. it was something she didn't expect at all. 

the ceo noticed how she tensed and quickly sat straight. "are you alright?" he asked with worried eyes. 

she was fine, but she couldn't move. she just looked at him. "uh-h..." 

"what is it?"

"y-your fam-family?" she managed to ask, still with her voice cracking. the ceo realized she was just nervous and just chuckled. 

"yes, my family... they want to meet you... and i kind of want you to meet them."

"why?" it seemed like she was horrified but the face apparently was funny to the ceo. 

"just because."

"b-but... how do they know about me?" he opened his mouth but quickly shut it. in fact he hadn't told them about seol, someone else did. 

"well... hyung told them about you - seol closed her eyes - i am sorry. i was supposed to tell them myself but he did it first." he tried to excuse him and himself. 

she nodded. "alright... when will i meet them?" it seemed she had steeled herself to cope with the situation but the idea of meeting his family actually terrified her. 

it was nervewracking enough to have to deal with people on the company, gossiping and making assumptions of her. she knew when the ceo will make it public, it'd be wild. 

now she couldn't imagine his family knowing too. kihyun's family was definitely more influential than the people who worked for him at the company. she hated the idea that they wouldn't like her. 

"well... this weekend if that's okay with you." the ceo on the other hand seemed very relaxed and calmed about the situation. he said those words as if it was nothing big. 

she only swallowed hard. "o-okay." he turned to look at her and flashed a reassuring smile. 

"gwenchana... it'll be okay."

"how are they?" she spoke her thoughts. it worried her to meet them and not cause a good impression. she knew kihyun and hyunwoo were wealthy, all of their lives. the total opposite to seol. she came from a small town in busan. she wasn't rich nor refined. 

there was a wide posibility that they wouldn't like her and it killed her inside. "they're alright... - he said nodding as if he was trying to convince himself but then he looked down and closed his eyes - actually... they're not. they're... crazy." he said with a grimace.

immediately she felt the nerves growing deeper as she rested her hands on her lap. "i am just... i am sorry in advantage okay? just don't pay attention to anything they say, just act like it's fine. we'll try to avoid them most of the times."

the situation sounded terrible and seol couldn't stop wondering what kind of people they were.

"s-sure." she managed to say. 

that whole week was nervewracking for her. she had a hard time focusing on her tasks around the company. she was expected to work with the new interns on a new project, but the whole meeting-the ceo's family situation got her drained.

when the weekend arrived, she was a mess of nerves. walking around at his pent, trying to figure out what to wear. 

they were supposed to go to their country house for a weekend trip. usually the ceo's family, whenever they had a free weekend, they'd visit this village which was on the outsides of the city, situated close to a lake. 

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