t w e n t y s i x

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after hyunwoo and his date ordered dinner and another bottle of wine, conversation got interesting. even though the atmosphere was still weird, mainly because seol was shocked to learn about kihyun and hyunwoo being brothers, she managed to laugh here and there with hyunwoo's funny jokes about the old days.

"and you remember when math teacher got stuck in the professor's bathroom? and he yelled for help and i was the one who heard him?" hyunwoo said as seol nodded, both laughing. 

kihyun on the other hand didn't seem amused at all. he was drinking glass after glass, his eyes fixed on the light brown haired girl. sooyeon also laughed along with the jokes as she stroked hyunwoo's hair softly. kihyun couldn't understand how she wasn't mad at his brother for monopolizing the conversation with his date.

but just then he remembered he had denied seol was his date. he finished the glass taking it all in a big sip and put it down almost breaking it. food was untouched on his plate and his nerves were at the edge. 

seol noticed the ceo's discomfort and stopped laughing to focus on her food instead. the laughs quieted for a second and kihyun breathed in in relief when silence filled the scene. "so... sooyeon-ssi what do you do?" seol asked to the blonde.

she smiled. "i am a model. i've appeared in some of hyunwoonie's music videos." she said looking at her date with sparkling eyes. it was clear there was something going on with them, something intense. hyunwoo smiled back and nodded.

"ahh... that must be an exciting job!" seol complimented as sooyeon agreed. "it is tiring though... sometimes i have to travel a lot and i can't see oppa that often, that's why we enjoy all of our moments together, right?" she said caressing hyunwoo's chin. he laughed nervously and nodded as he took a sip of the wine. 

seol smiled at the couple. even if there was some shyness coming from hyunwoo, it was clear they both liked each other. the way hyunwoo smiled at sooyeon and touched her arm or hands was really heartwarming. she glanced at kihyun and noticed he was annoyed, with his eyes fixed on his phone. 

somehow, even if her relationship with him was new and not as intense as hyunwoo's and sooyeon's, she longed it. she longed having something similar, but again she was reminded she was wanted for just one purpose, and it wasn't exactly the fluff part of a relationship. 

"ah... kihyunnie, you've been quiet the whole night, gwenchana?" hyunwoo asked, as he poured more wine to kihyun's glass, he quickly put a hand on top to stop him. his dark gray eyes were almost glaring at the older brother. "i am fine, thanks." 

hyunwoo glanced at him surprised and pulled the bottle back to the table. "aniya... you seem off."

"i am just tired and i should get going now." in kihyun's eyes, the dinner had been ruined when the pair arrived. he liked it better when he was alone with seol, and after their arrival he thought things would be awkward. but it turned out seol and hyunwoo knew each other and that was something that kihyun wasn't expecting.

he was filled with questions that he was planning on asking later on. he couldn't hide his discomfort during the dinner and he just wanted the night to end. 

"jinjja? so soon?" hyunwoo's voice was both confused and surprise. he thought the night was just starting but it was past 11. "uh... yeah, some of us work in the mornings." he added, standing from his chair, buttoning his suit. 

he bowed his head at hyunwoo's date. "sooyeon-ssi." clearly biding his goodbyes. "miss ha, do you have a ride?" he asked, as if he was testing her. 

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