f i f t y s e v e n

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the ceo woke up with a racing heart. his eyes widened as he glanced at the clock on the nightstand, it marked 6:24 a.m. 

he felt uneasy, a nervous feeling crawling up his spine. he quickly hopped off the bed and rushed to the living room, that was now empty. 

as if his fears were materializing, the first thing he thought was that seol had left during the night, when he trusted in her word, she had said she would stay. 

so he rushed through the pent, eyes widened as he looked around since she was nowhere to be found. 

he felt his chest hurting as he sat in one of the couches. he glanced next to him at the spot where she had slept and grabbed the pillow she used. closing his eyes he inhaled the sweet, familiar aroma of her as he closed his eyes, trying to contain the urge to cry. 

"sajangnim... what are you doing?" 

he opened his eyes and looked over the pillow to find seol holding a bag on her right hand and holder with two paper cups on the other one. his lips slightly partes as he stared at her in detail. she wasn't wearing the same clothes she wore last night. 

"u-uh... i was - he stood from the couch, running a hand through his hair - i thought you left." 

he approached her and stared intensely into her eyes. seol frowned and shook her head. "aniyo.  i just went across the street to get us some breakfast, come on sajangnim." she said motioning for him to follow her to the kitchen. he followed almost immediately. 

when they walked in, seol pointed a chair for him to sit as she looked for plates and napkins. kihyun remained silent as he just looked at her delicate moves.

"where did you get those clothes?" 

"hm?" seol looked down at the pair of washed jeans she was wearing and dark navy blue sweater. 

"oh these? well... i found them in here... in what i left behind." she almost whispered the last few words, making kihyun sigh in relief. 

for a brief moment, he thought she had broke her words and had returned home when she said she wouldn't. at first he felt fooled but not anymore.

"ah... alright."

"why?" she asked, pulling two bagels from the bag. he sat straight and glanced at the pair of buns. 

"uh... i don't know how to say this but i am a-

"vegetarian, i know - seol said pushing softly the plate with the bagel towards him - this is like you, vegetarian." 

"no eggs, no milk nor butter, only olive oil, chickpea flour and almond flour and some more ingredients i can't remember." she said smiling. 

"and... a cup of cherry tea sweetened agave nectar." kihyun couldn't help but smile at her as he glanced with happiness at his breakfast.

"thank you." he said and wasting no more time he started eating. seol smiled as she sat next to him, taking a bite of her non-vegetarian bagel and taking a sip of her vanilla latte. 

once they finished the breakfast, seol pulled away the dishes and after washing them she turned to look at him. he was waiting patiently and quietly in the same place she left him. 

"i have to go back now." she said it without really preparing him. he sat straight and tilted his head slowly. 

"so soon?"

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