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"are you hungry?" seol's head popped through the bathroom door. a soft smile was drawn in kihyun's lips from the bed. he nodded eagerly. 

"well the dinner i made is still out there, shall we get it?" she said walking out of the bathroom with a peach color nightdress, loosely hanging around her body, part of the new wardrobe kihyun got her. his eyes lightened up at the cute view. she had tied her long hair in a messy bun and her cheeks were still flushed from the previous situation. 

"of course." he simply said, getting up from the bed and putting on the pair of dark blue pants. he walked slowly and barefooted towards her and grabbing her hand he led them both to the kitchen. 

seol felt her heart racing at the view. his bare torso wasn't exactly the most athletic one but it was obvious he definitely worked out, the soft lines of abs could be seen, marked delicately through his milky skin. 

she let go of his hand once they reached the kitchen and kihyun took a seat at the breakfast table. seol heated up the food she had prepared for both of them as she set up a small scenario of a table. just a pair of bowls and chopsticks with two glasses of water. 

kihyun stared at her in detail as she made her way around the kitchen pulling everything out. "you adapted quite well didn't you?" his soft voice coming from the breakfast table made her smile. she just nodded. 

"i love it here." she said shrugging and bringing the big bowl from the microwave towards the table. kihyun glanced at the food, almost begging it'd be vegetarian. seol noticed kihyun's worried expression and chuckled.

"don't worry, it's just sauteed vegetables and rice noodles." he sighed in relief as he looked at the food with eager eyes. 

"arasseo, this looks quite delicious." he complimented as she served the food into their bowls. 

looking from outside, they'd look like a perfect-regular couple, but they weren't, and the thought of this hurt seol in so many ways. 

in the few months she's been in this relationship contract with him, she couldn't help but develop feelings for him, even if he wanted to be possessive sometimes, she had grown to like him with each passing day and she just couldn't deny her growing feelings for him. 

she'd find herself staring at his side profile, admiring his beauty and feelings her chest burning with desire to touch him, caress or simply kiss him. to talk to him, to ask about how his day went or just cuddle as they watched tv, like normal couples do. 

but she couldn't, because yoo kihyun wasn't her boyfriend. he was only her boss. 

"so how the business meeting went?" she tried to make a small conversation as they ate the dinner quietly. kihyun nodded with his mouthful. 

"it was alright, boring as usual." he said after swallowing. "this is delicious by the way, i didn't know you cooked." 

she smiled sadly, knowing he was just playing along with the whole conversation, but deep inside she felt he wasn't that interested. "yeah... i had to learn after my mother died." 

he stopped frozen on his spot, without looking at her as he managed to swallow the mouthfull of noddles. he slowly turned around and looked for her eyes. "i- i didn't know, i am sorry." 

she shrugged, giving him a reassuring smile. it was true, he had never asked about her family, about her friends or things she actually liked. it seemed like he just wasn't interested in her, at least not genuinely. 

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