s i x t y

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"designing team is up, ha seol is first. please come forward."

seol looked around a bit lost, eyes widened. as she stood from the chair and glanced nervously at changkyun next to her, she couldn't help but think that wonho had said "please come coward" to her, but given the people's reaction, she kne it had been probably her imagination. 

the conference room was small yet it was slightly crowded. 

once she stood in the platform, she swallowed hard and glanced behind her nervously. the screen lightened up with the designs she had delivered the previous day. 

even though she knew the work by heart, she didn't know how to explain it since she wasn't prepared. and truth be told, seol never was good with words, or at least not when it involved telling them out loud to a group of people. 

at that point she wanted to avoid as much as she could looking at the ceo's direction, but she couldn't help herself. 

she found the ceo's dark gray eyes staring intensely into hers and she knew she was going to screw everything. 

seol wasn't ready and much less when she noticed the ceo staring at her, waiting for her to talk. 

she just wanted to be swallowed by the floors and wake up in another planet just to avoid the public embarrassment. 

"w-well... m- my name is ha-ha-ha... h-ha seol- her face was a poem, she grimaced in pain as she took a hand to her mouth to cover her lips. rushing through the people, she found her way towards the door and exited the meeting. 

she couldn't stay inside, not even a second more. 

once the wide hallways welcomed her with the glassy windows, giving her a wide panoramic view of the city, clear skies, she finally breathed again. 

the desire to vomit was long forgotten and instead she looked for the nearest wall and used it as a support. 

she felt her heart going up and down faster and for a second she wished jooheon was there, he would have find a way to get her out without embarrassing her. 

a few minutes later she heard the conference room's door opening and changkyun joined her, looking for her eyes. "seol-ah... are you alright?" 

he seemed worried and suddenly it reminded her of jooheon. she just nodded, closing her eyes as she tried to avoid looking into changkyun's eyes. she was just ashamed. 

"sunbae... i am so so sorry. i didn't know - she stopped talking when the doors opened again, this time revealling the ceo, walking out as he buttoned his suit. he glanced briefly at seol, his eyes seemed worried but he quickly walked away to the opposite direction, followed by his team and wonho who turned to look at seol with a mocking smirk.

"it's okay- it's fine. this isn't your fault - changkyun said nodding, giving her a reassuring look - the ceo cancelled the meeting." 

seol's eyes widened, unconsciously, as she stared now shamelessly at changkyun. 

the ceo cancelled the meeting? 

was it for... her? 

she couldn't organize the thoughts that were rushing through her mind in that moment. she didn't know why the ceo did such a thing and she honestly couldn't understand why. if the meeting was so urgent, they could have easily done it without her.

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