s e v e n t y o n e

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a/n: yay double update as promised!  


 seol couldn't react completely. she was still at the "this time i am courting you". kihyun called her name twice, moving his head in front of her, until she finally blinked twice.

never in a million years she expected the ceo would say such thing. she didn't know how he truly felt about her, but judging by the things he had been doing and saying lately, it seemed he was serious with all of this. 

"are you?" she asked, narrowing her eyes. the ceo just laughed.

"of course i am... i haven't dated in... - he shook his head, eyes widening - i can't remember actually, the last time i did this - he swallowed hard - so... i am sorry if i don't know certain stuff, you know?"

seol smiled widely, arms wrapping around his neck, staring lovingly into his eyes. "kihyunnie... you're so cute." she giggled, hiding her face on his chest. 

the ceo hugged her tightly, resting his head on top of hers. "not as much as you."

"12 inches for the holy spirit!" they both turned around and found jooheon coming their way, motioning with his arms to keep them apart. 

they both took a step back immediately and glanced at each other confused. "that's actually better, thanks" he said standing next to seol, arms crossed on his chest. 

"what do you want?" he asked the ceo, tilting his head only receive a smack from seol. "yah... stop treating him like that. " she mumbled softly but it still caught the ceo's ears. he just laughed.

"i brought seol back home." he said placing his hands on his pockets. jooheon narrowed his eyes, nodding sofly. 

"hmm... hmhm... hm." he said looking at him defiantly. "i see what you're trying to do."

the ceol tilted his head in confussion. "i know it - he said, eyes widened - you're tying to act all cool, bringing seol home so you can earn me right?" he said moving around to each side. 

"well... let me tell you fancy pants - he said with warning eyes - it won't work." 

the ceo and seol sighed at the same time. "i need to see more of you so i can give you my blessing of dating seol." 

"arasseo?" he finally asked, crossing his arms on his chest. the ceo looked at seol and sighed. 

"sure." he simply said nodding. 

"okay. you - he said pointing at seol - inside. now." he said pushing her softly towards the entrance.

"you - he pointed at kihyun - back to your fancy lair." jooheon opened the door and pushed seol inside, his eyes narrowed at the sight of the ceo until he finally disappeared inside the building with seol. 

kihyun just laughed, shaking his head as he returned to the car, pulling out his phone to send seol a text.

president yoo: have a good night, babe x


as seol prepared for the final meeting at the conference room, she felt her nerves growing. even though she have had time to prepare herself, the thought of speaking to an audience, even if it was small, was nervewracking. especially since the ceo was attending the meeting. 

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