t h i r t y f o u r

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after staring for minutes to the white tulips, seol pulled her phone out and quickly looked for his chat. 

seol: sajangnim... you're really amazing

seol: thanks for the flowers

president yoo: gomawo, did you like them? 

seol: they're beautiful, thanks

president yoo: there will be more when you move to your new home

president yoo: i thought white would look great

president yoo: don't you think? 

seol bit her lip as she stared about the white tulips wondering if they had a meaning. she knew usually all flowers and plants had a meaning but thinking about the ceo picking flowers with a meaning sounded a bit out of hand. either way, curiosity bloomed and she typed the question.

seol: i agree, they'd look great

seol: geundae... does white tulips have a meaning sajangnim?

she stared at the screen, noticing the ceo was writing an answer back but stopped for a second. tilting her head she waited patiently and after a few seconds, the answer arrived.

president yoo: it means pure love. 

her cheeks blushed as she read the words. pure love. does that mean...? 

"the ceo loves me?" she asked to herself, a giggling mess in the desk chair. knees up and under her chin as she smiled widely, staring at the screen like a fool. 

she was about to answer when her door opened suddenly revealling changkyun. "hey wassup." he greeted her as he made his way inside stopping in front of her desk, glancing awkwardly at the tulips.

"what's this?"

"flowers." seol answered between a wide smile. "i know but... why?"

"ah they were sent- she stopped talking when she suddenly remembered she couldn't mention the ceo or the relationship they shared. she cleared her throat and rephrased it. 

"i sent them myself." seol said ashamed, looking away. changkyun frowned as he took a seat in front of her desk, staring weirdly at the flowers. 

"why would you do that?"

"i... just love tulips." she said nervously, running a hand through her hair. "white ones." she finally added, caressing one of the petals with her thumb.

"alright... uh- i am here because we need to work on the website design remember? - seol nodded - wonho told me we should show them something by the end of this week so... i think we'll need to actually meet outside the company one of these days." he shrugged as his lips pressed in a thin line. 

seol laughed and nodded. thinking about having her own apartment now seemed like the right decision. she could have changkyun over and they could work together in peace without having to give explanations to jooheon. 

"sure sunbae, we could do that." changkyun nodded as he made his way towards the door. "i'll text you later about the date, alright? see ya." he winked as he made is way out of seol's cubicle. she chuckled at changkyun's funny faces and returned to work. 

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