f o r t y f i v e

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she stopped closed to the cherry blossom, which still hadn't blossomed but still provided a beautiful view. her eyes sparkled at the thought of its beautiful soft pink flowers. 

hyungwon stared at her and suddenly felt his heart racing again. 

it had happened the first time he saw her back in the company, and he had been trying to control it but miserably failing at it. 

suddenly the sky gor darker and thunders threatened to pour a heavy rain. his eyes looked for hers and he motioned to get inside, since she was facing him at the other side of the cloister. 

they both rushed to the door that led inside the house and they stopped when they faced each other. they've gotten a bit wet, some hairs stuck on their faces.

hyungwon noticed seol's chest going up and down faster. he couldn't decipher if she was flustered because of how fast she had to run to avoid the rain or if it was because of something else, something for which he felt flustered too. 

they remained silent for a second, their eyes on each others. he felt seol's eyes diverting from his eyes, down at his lips. he noticed how she swallowed hard and her lip trembled slightly. 

but she widened her eyes when she realized hyungwon had caught her looking. 

"u-uh... we should-

"yeah, let's get back inside now." he said motioning for her to go inside first. she nodded eagerly as she rushed inside the house, dripping water around. 

"just wait here, i'll get some towels." hyungwon said disappearig through a door. she turned around and glanced at the cloister. the garden getting wet with the rain, it seemed the flowers were dancing under the drops of water.

she hugged herself for it was really cold and couldn't help but wonder why hyungwon was flustered when their eyes met. 

it was more than obvious it was cold outside and they both got wet. maybe he was agitated because he had to run towards the entrance and probably that added the fact he was probably cold too. 

a flash of her memory, staring at his lips haunted her. she had never really paid attention to hyungwon's features until now.

she was always or most of the times with the ceo among them so she never really let herself pay attention to his handsome features.

seol wanted to slap herself for thinking of hyungwon in such a way. yes, he was handsome. but she was dumped a few hours ago and she shouldn't be looking at him with such eyes.

as she tried to push her thoughts away, she felt a warm comforting pair of arms wrapping around her small frame. a warm towel was left there. 

after she quickly turned around, she realized it was hyungwon, wrapping a towel around her. "i think we're stuck in this rain so i brought you these." 

he said handing what seemed to be folded clothes. she glanced at the small pile and then back at his eyes. "we're... stuck?"

hyungwon nodded. "i can't drive with this rain, it's dangerous... you know, the paths aren't asphalted." 

"ah right." she nodded, understanding what he meant. "so... we're just going to?" she asked confused, looking at him with big wide eyes.

he narrowed his eyes but reacted a few seconds later. "oh yes, i mean, there's not much room but... you can have the main room, i can sleep in the living room, it's fine by me." 

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