t w e n t y

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seol organized her clothes in the area kihyun had have prepared for her and then grabbed a few clothes and did her way to the bathroom. when she left the wardrobe the room was empty, she noticed kihyun's jacket lying on the bed but he was nowhere to be seen. 

quickly on her tiptoes she walked to the bathroom and got inside, closing the door behind her. the thought of kihyun being around when she was getting inside the bathroom made her feel shy. she knew eventually he'd have to see her naked since the contract stated it, but she was still feeling shy about it. 

she looked around. bathroom was no exception of the decorations outise. it was probably 2 or 3 times bigger than the bathroom she shared with jooheon back in her apartment. it was all in white, it had a white bathtub in one side and a wide glassy shower in the other. it had a wide vanity cabinet with a fancy sink on top of it. a wide mirror placed on the wall which reflected the whole bathroom and several drawers on the sides, all in white. 

a few fresh towels were stacked in some of the cabinets. she grabbed one and removed her clothes. walking into the shower, she realized it had a weird panel she had never seen before. it was obviously an expensive shower, it probably costed more than her salary. it was true she didn't know how to even turned it on, to which she concurred to the internet.

after turning it on, she realized how sad her life had been, showering in that small and boring shower she had back in her apartment. this shower graduated the temperature and flow of water, it was simply heavenly. 

once she finished she changed into comfy clothes and in no time she went to the living room to meet kihyun, just like he had asked her to. she walked caustiously around, her eyes alert since the place was huge. she heard kihyun's soft voice coming from the kitchen. 

"ah yes... maybe we can convince him? i think this could be a great deal, don't you think?" he spoke on the phone. to her surprise, she noticed an old man moving around the kitchen, carrying plates served beautifully. 

he jumped when he noticed the girl's presence. quickly he bowed to her respectfully and kept walking towards the table, seol did the same and waited silently by the kitchen's door. after a few seconds, kihyun ended the call and turned around, surprised by seol's small figure in the kitchen. 

the first thing she noticed is that, he still wore the same suit he had this afternoon, the only difference is that he wasn't wearing the jacket, his sleeves were rolled up and his tie was gone. his hair looked not-so-perflectly combed like that morning, more as if he had ran his hands through it in an attempt to relieve some stress. 

"ah miss ha... did you look for me in the living room? i am sorry, i was here just checking on mr. noh when a call just- he stopped talking when his eyes focused in the view before him and he noticed the clothes seol was wearing. he swallowed hard at the unexpected view. a pair or baby pink pajama shorts and an oversized light gray hoodie. her hair loose in waves and nothing but a pair of white socks with small red hearts on it.

he was not used to women looking like that, especially not the ones who had been there previously. the view somehow made him feel uneasy in a way he couldn't quite decipher. none the less, she looked kind of appealing to the eye.

the old man walked inside the kitchen, interrupting the odd moment, to grab the few remaining dishes. kihyun glanced at her and then at the old man. 

the white haired man stood there, as if he was waiting something, but there was an awkward silence in the room. when he finally cleared his throat, the ceo jumped on his feet and nodded. "ah yes... miss ha this is mr. noh my housekeeper... ahjussi this is miss ha." he simply said.

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