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seol returned to her cubicle as quick as she managed. she noticed minhyuk coming her way and she cursed under her breath. 

"seol-ssi!" he called her name, making her stop in the middle of the hallway. 

now she had been crying the whole way back to the cubicle. she had mixed and new feelings. at that point she didn't know who to believe and in order for her to feel at peace with herself, she knew she'd have to face hyungwon and still give him the benefit of the doubt. 

on the other hand, if minhyuk noticed she was crying, he'd probably make a big deal about it and wouldn't let it go until she finally tell the reason why. 

closing her eyes, she turned around and met him. 

naturally, his first reaction was of surprise. "omo!... - he took both hands to cover his mouth - are you okay? it looks like you've been crying- he stopped talking when he noticed they were in the middle of the hallway. 

minhyuk grabbed seol by the arm and dragged her towards her cubicle. once they were inside, he closed the door and turned to look at her with widened eyes. "was it the ceo?"

seol frowned as she looked at minhyuk confused. "no! why would you say that?"

he had his hand under his chin. "i just had a hunch you two were fucking... and now i see you crying, did he break up with you?"

"what? no! i am not crying... i have allergies." she shamelessly lied. minhyuk's eyes narrowed as he examined her featured. seol felt her heart racing since she usually sucked at lying. 

"ah... thanks god. i didn't want to deal with personal problems... so whaddup?" he asked smiling, sitting on one of the chairs in front of seol's desk. 

she sighed in relief, trying to look away from him. "fine... i just- it's the soap from the bathroom you know? i think i am allergic."

minhyuk rolled his eyes. "gosh... tell me about it. once i got this rash all over my-

the door suddenly opened, revealling changkyun's serious face. "you - he said pointing at minhyuk - out. now." he held the door opened, waiting for minyuk to leave.

the blonde one rolled his eyes and flashed a sad smile at seol. "i won't bother you two with my presence anymore, i am on my usual rounds - he said walking to the door - see ya later handsome." he said winking at changkyun before leaving them alone in the cubicle.

changkyun walked in and stopped for a minute. "have you been sneezing?" he asked, a visible frown forming on his face. seol sighed in frustration. 

after changkyun and seol worked in the last few details of the personal website of the ceo, they e-mailed everything to the i.t team. 

"i think we're finally done here... thanks god." he sighed, leaning back on the chair. seol nodded as she saved all the files and organized everything. 

"you know... you leaving really shouldn't be a reason why we should stop... talking." he said avoiding her eye contact as he scratched the back of his head. "i mean... if you want? we could still be... friends?"

seol smiled softly at him. "i'd love to sunbae."

"ah come on... if you leave you don't need to call me like that anymore." he said winking and flashing a reassuring smile.

"alright. i won't."

"perfect - he stood from the chair - i think you're done for the day. you can go home now miss ha." he joked as he made his way out of the office.

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