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when she applied for her internships, she thought she was aiming too high but apparently it was not the case. everything had been working out just fine. she never thought the first week of her arrival, she would be put to do such things.

even after her first week ended, she still felt new to everything. she didn't know around the company but apparently, they've put a big amount of trust in her since they believed she could do a good job.

after having the ceo's approval of her first try and a new task, she truly felt confident with her work.

"i am home!" she exclaimed as she took off her shoes, and walked inside the apartment. a happy jooheon walked out of the bathroom, only a towel wrapped around his waist.

"you're home early." he simply said, drying his hair with a smaller towel. she tried to look away but his choco-abs were too distracting.

"uh... yes, they released us sooner..." she scratched the back of her head and quickly turned and did her way towards the kitchen, jooheon followed her.


she just shrugged, grabbing a can of beer from the fridge. "i did a good job, that's why." jooheon's dimples showed again, he smiled sweetly at her. "i am not surprised. we should go out for drinks tonight-

"can't... i have work tomorrow- you know, the photoshoot and all-

"yah! it's only a few drinks, nothing crazy is going to happen." jooheon's capacity of persuasion was highly professional. his sweet dimples plus his intense gaze would always dominate her. "fine..." she said finally between a laugh. the pair changed into fresh clothes and did the way out of the apartment.

"i texted boki, she'll meet us there." she said pulling back her phone on her purse. "so how is working there?" jooheon asked as he took a sip of the beer.

she shrugged. "it's... different."

"different how?"

"i don't know... just different from everything i've experienced before."

"like what?"

"like... i have... my own cubicle." jooheon laughed out loud. he couldn't believe having her own cubicle was the first thing she would mention.

"is it nice?" she just nodded. boki appeared next to the pair, hugging them both. "i am here!" she exclaimed, jooheon handed her a beer.

"you're late."

"i know... i was babysitting- so how is everything? i heard you got a real job." she joked, seol just pushed her playfully.

"i did. it's tomorrow, my first legal commercial. i'll be shooting it tomorrow."

boki's eyes widened. "well well... look at that! who would have thought our dear seolie would be doing her internships in such a fancy place and what's best, shooting her very first commercial!" seol looked down, ashamed as a smiled formed on her pinky lips.

"cheers to that!" boki exclaimed, rising her beer. "let's make a toast for the future and for you." they all raised their beers, a cickling sound echoing inside the small bar. smiles flying around as she got lost in the taste of sparkling bubbles and alcohol smell.

the next morning was a mess. she surely hadn't planned to drink heavily, or maybe not as she did last night.

"just one more." boki had insisted and jooheon's dimples commanded. she couldn't say no last night.

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