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wonho stared at the pair, a bit confussed. "uh... did i interrupt... something?" he said flipping his hair, taking turns on glancing at the couple's awkward eyes. 

"ah- sunbaenim... no of course not." seol quickly composed herself, and looked at hyungwon as she motioned towards the door with her eyes, a clear gesture for him to leave. 

it took him a couple of seconds but he finally understood. "i'll leave now, see you later." he simply said to seol, stopping in fron ot wonho on his way to the door. he bowed his head, as he stared at the small one with motionless eyes.

once he left the cubicle, wonho breathed out in relief. "aigoo... - he started, as he took a seat in one of the chairs in front of seol's desk, his hand on his chest - he's so mysterious and intimidating... but so handsome." seol caught that last part even if he mumbled to himself. 

"anyways... i heard you're leaving us in a week, is that true?" seol just nodded.

"arasseo... i just brought you the last project that you've been working on - he said pointing to the computer - i emailed it to you, it's the international personal website for the ceo." 

seol stopped on her tracks as she heard the assignment. she glanced at wonho and laughed nervously. "aigoo... sunbaenim, isn't that too important and big for me, a simple intern?" 

wonho's eyes bored into hers. "that's the same thing i thought but the ceo insisted it was you." 

her heart skipped a beat when wonho said it. she wasn't really expecting it, not coming from the ceo. she thought he hated her since he tried to take everything away from her so it was natural for seol to think this was only a way to try to destroy her even more, by keeping her close.

"you'll be going to be supervised by cubicle 8 and myself... now and i just wanted to tell you, this is an important project so i need you to focus and put all you have on this, alright?" 

"i'll work hard sunbaenim!" seol expressed with a cheerful tone. wonho just nodded. start working please, by the end of the day i want to see at least something. also we need some sketches of how the website is going to look since tomorrow we're having the photo session for the ceo so we need to be prepared." 

the thought of it made her nervous. she' d have to work with the pictures of him and she'd have to see him once again and she didn't know how she felt about it. 

"well, just call cubicle 8 if you need anything. i am leaving now, good luck." he said without really giving her time to answer anything back. he quickly turned on his heels and walked out of the door. seol sighed in frustration as she tried with all her heart and creativity to come up with a good idea for what was going to be her last work there.


when it was finally time to have lunch, seol went downstairs to pick up her lunch. as soon as she walked towards the cateferia, she saw hyungwon leaning against the entrance wall. he smiled widely when he noticed her coming closer. 

"are you here to have lunch?" he asked, seol just nodded with a smile. "kaja." he simply said motioning inside. 

they walked together to the queue of people and grabbed their trays. they didn't talk much, they just stared at each other with complicity. it was comfortable for hyungwon, being like this with her. he couldn't remember the last time he felt at peace sharing time with someone else. 

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