s i x t y t h r e e

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"miss ha?" the low, unfamiliar voice called her name. she felt dizzy and with a slight headache. she felt how she was being carried around but her mind was pretty much somewhere else.

seol heard sounds around, footsteps and car doors opening. "is she alright?" she heard the ceo's voice and finally opened her eyes. 

she found herself sitting inside a car, at the passenger's seat, seatbelt being fastened. she noticed the ceo doing it himself as he looked at someone beside her. she followed his eyes and found the ceo's new bodyguard.

"take him home." he simply said and gave a sharp nod. seol jumped when the bodyguard closed the door shut and she leaned backwards when the ceo turned on the engine and drove away. 

"seol?" she heard his worried voice, calling her name with a hint of desperation. "seol-ah..." she felt his hand resting on her forearm, squeezing softly as if he was trying to ger her attention. 

"s-sajangnim- she managed to say when suddenly she felt her throat itching, right where hyungown had tried to suffocate her.

"are you okay? did he hurt you?" he abruptly stopped the car, pulling over to the sidewalk and turned to look at her. he looked immaculated as usual, his hair perfectly combed, only a single strand of hair resting on his forehead. "yah!" he exclaimed a bit worried, trying to get her attention. 

"i am- fine..." she managed to say nodding. he swallowed hard and quickly returned to the road. 

"either way i am taking you to the hospital, i am not risking it."

"what? no... i said i am fine."

"you don't look fine." he said with a dominant tone. seol knew that when he used this tone, it was better to comply. 

a few minutes later, she spotted the familiar white building. once he parked he stopped a second to think how to carry her. 

he took her in his arms and carried her bridal style. "i am fine, i can walk." 

but her words were soon ignored. he rushed to the entrance and looked desperately for a nurse. "she passed out, please can you help her?" his begging tone somehow warmed up seol's chest. 

she felt her heart racing at the view of the nervous ceo, looking for help. 

a doctor arrived and checked her as kihyun narrated everything that happened. the doctor came to the conclussion it was a mild asphyxia episode that produced nausea and migraine. he gave her some medicaments and finally after a couple of hours, seol was discharged. 

the ceo waited patiently with her as he constantly checked his phone. he was dying to ask her lots of questions but he walso wanted to know the hyungwon situation had been controlled.

"can you walk? do you need help?" seol glared at him. "i am fine, seriously." she insisted as she walked back to the car by herself. 

the ceo walked around her, his arms ready to grab her in case she'd fall or just got dizzy again. 

on their way back, she noticed how the scenery wasn't exactly the usual she took when she returned home. 

"where are we going sajangnim?" 

he didn't look at her. his eyes were focused on the wheel. "my house."

her eyes widened in shock. "n-no... we can't-

"please. stop. i need to take care of you now, do you think you can arrive home in this state? what would your friend say?" 

she gave a long second thought and maybe, just maybe he was right. "i am sleeping in the couch." she mumbled, crossing her arms on her chest. 

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