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"do you dance?" he spoke as self confident as he could. his hand looked delicate but manly at the same time, soft veins marking could be appreciate it from seol's distance. his hands surely looked soft as if he had never had to go through physical work ever before. she even swore it looked like he had been manicured just before he arrived.

but again, her knees grew week and she swallowed hard. "well yeah- i mean sajangnim... i am not a great dancer but- he didn't give her time to finish, instead he grabbed her hand and led her towards the dance floor.

he positioned in front, looking down at her light brown orbs. his eyebrow rose as he waited for her with his hand extended. "miss ha?"

she quickly took a step towards him and locked her hand with his, trembling underneath the white gown. his smirk accentuated once he started the dance session with a swift move.

a lot of things she expected from him but being good at dancing was definitely not one of them. he was surprisingly good. "i see you're not an expert miss ha." her own talents or maybe lack of them had exposed her.

"that's why i was avoiding to dance at all costs... sir." she added, nervously looking around, examining people's faces. all eyes were on them but kihyun didn't seem to mind at all.

"is that why you ran to the bathroom? because you're not good at dancing?" his sarcastic remark somehow made her insides twist. she looked away and remained silent. she didn't care if she wasn't good at dancing, she just didn't see the need from him to point it out.

he chuckled and gave her an unexpected spin. "it's okay... nobody will notice if you have the perfect partner." when he spoke their eyes met for a brief second. his intense gaze sending shivers, cold ones, down her spine.

they kept dancing the next seconds in silence. he was skilled at this and he knew it. he looked super confident and his stare would make her feel uneasy at all times. he was too intimidating, his words, attitude, even his smell.

"miss ha..." he mumbled after the silence was almost palpable. she tensed under his touch, his right cold hand closing steadily on her, his left one pulling her a bit closer to his light grey suit. "i wanted to talk to you about something." he started, his voice somehow different. the usual professional distant tone apparently long gone.

he just stared at her eyes and blinked once. "about last night... i shouldn't have done it." he admitted without anesthesia. her eyes widened at the sudden words. She wasn't expecting him to apologize to her. she had a few prejudices about him but he was so unpredictable that he always ended up surprising her.

"i hope you know i didn't mean to offend you in any way or form... it was just- he stopped for a minute, his eyes widening.

he's at a lost of words, she thought.

"i just wanted to officially and formally apologize to you, that's all." he simply added, relaxing once he got the control of the situation again. his airs of self- sufficient coming back in a single second, his cocky smirk and all the head-tilting.

"of course. let's forget it sajangnim." she said bowing her head, just in time when the song ended, she let go of his hand and walked back to her table, leaving him there in the middle of the dance floor with widened eyes and sudden surprise.

she didn't look back at him, she thought that doing it would be a sign of weakness and she'll probably walk back and apologize for what she did. instead she rushed to her table and once she sat, she drank the first drink she found around.

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