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but was she ready to give him the answer he wanted?

she gave a long thought about it. sometimes she felt she wasn't ready since she didn't have lots of experience in the matter, but when she looked at him and when she acknowledged the effect he had on her, how she'd feel flustered and nervous whenever he was around or when he entered a room, she felt nothing but curious and that led her to realize the final answer, she was ready. 

"miss ha... do you recognize this?" he said pushing the black envelope slowly and softly towards seol with only one finger. she swallowed hard. he was clearly taking over the situation with his air of superiority. 


"you said you'd give me an answer at the end of the day... and you avoided me this afternoon at the company so... i guess is only fair for you to give me an answer right now." he said calmly as he sat backwards and crossed his leg, staring at her. 

she blinked twice. "uh... yes, i am sorry about that sajangnim..." 

"gwenchana - he narrowed his eyes, a firm expression of his discontent even if his words said something else - but we're here now, aren't we? do you have a final answer?" 

yoo kihyun wasn't exactly a patient man. he was used to get things on his terms and on his timing. he had given seol plenty time to come up with a decision, or at least that's what he thought. 

but over seol's shocking silence, he decided to take the lead again. "miss ha... i have to remind you that you don't need to feel pressured about the answer. if you don't want to do this then-

"okay." she simply said, nodding, as if she was trying to convince herself of something. 

he tilted his head, sighing. "are you sure you decline?"

"aniyo... i am not declining, it's just... i am having a hard time making a decision sajangnim." kihyun's face softened since he previously thought seol definitely would decline his proposal. a sigh of relief left his lungs as he gathered all his inner strenght to think better his next words. 

the fact that seol hadn't declined yet, made him feel he was still in control of the situation since he believed in his power of persuasion. 

"okay... i understand. is there anything i can do to help you clear your mind?" he moved on his seat, eager to hear her next words, but it seemed seol was giving a long thought about it.

"miss ha? perhaps do you need more time to ponder your final answer? " he started to get impatient but he was trying really hard to look cool in front of her and to not rush her into answering something.

seol took a long second to ponder about her current situation, but she shook her head instead. "aniyo. maybe we can try... if you answer my questions first... sajangnim." 

his dark grey eyes somehow looked darker, filling with a familiar lustful vibe. being challenged in that way somehow awakened deep feelings in him. "i am listening."

she was nervous about asking such questions but in order for her to move on with this contract, she needed answers first, and the ceo was the only person who could give her the answers she wanted and needed. 

"well... - she started as she recalled all the questions that popped in her head the night before.

"sajangnim... did you do this... previously?" 

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