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"surprise!" both jooheon and mr. ha said at the same time. seol looked at her dad with loving eyes as she took her hands to her mouth. 

"appa!" she ran to hug him. she knew he was coming to visit but she didn't know when exactly. so it still took her by surprise.

"ahh my love, you look so skinny, aren't you eating alright? aren't you feeding my daughter correctly jooheon-ah?"

jooheon scratched the back of his head as he laughed nervously. "appa... - seol said as she pinched his cheeks - i am fine, it's just i've been really bussy with work lately sometimes i skip my meals that's all." she lied. it hurt her heart lying to her father but she didn't want to mention all the stress she'd been through lately. 

seol's father shook his head in disapproval. "anyway, i am so happy you're here, how was the trip?" she asked as she led him to the living room. jooheon taking the man's suitcase to their usual guest's room. 

"it was alright, i talked with a lady during the whole trip. she has 12 cats in her apartment in goyang." he said with a wide smile. 

seol just laughed. "also. i brought you this, as a present for your 26th birthday." he said taking out a small silver box with a baby pink bow. "happy birthday seolie." he said with smiles on his eyes. jooheon arrived the scene in time when seol opened the box to reveal a cute silver watch. 

"omona... appa this is so cute, gomawoyo." she said hugging him and showing off her watch. jooheon complimented the cute present by giving thumbs up. 

after they drank tea and catched up with everything. both seol's dad and jooheon revealed part of the surprises they had prepared for seol's birthday. 

"i want to bake a cake by myself, you know? i've been watching tutorials on youtube, since you got me that- that... - he glanced at jooheon, looking for help. 


"tablet, yes! since you got me that tablet last christmas, i've watched plenty videos and i want to bake you a birthday cake so we need to go grocery shopping. kaja." mr. ha said as he stood up from the couch and walked towards the door. both seol and jooheon looked at each other laughing in complicity. they all grabbed their coats and put on their shoes and made their way downstairs. 

they went to the nearest grocery shopping which was five blocks away. seol's dad enjoyed walking around so he insisted to go by foot, and jooheon and seol just complied.

after seol's father picked up everything he needed for the cake and a few other things, they walked back to seol's apartment. 

she noticed a familiar white pick-up truck parked across the street and looked around, looking for a familiar face. 

he was leaning against the entrance wall of seol's building. he smiled when he noticed her coming with bags on her arms. 

apparently he didn't know both jooheon and mr. ha where with her since they went towards the building. 

"let me help you with that." hyungwon said, taking the bags from seol's arms once he reached her. she felt her face getting warmer and looked nervously at jooheon and mr. ha's direction. the old man turned around and witnessed the scene with curious eyes. 

hyungwon walked with seol towards the entrance and stared at the old man and the black haired with a confused expression, then his eyes diverted to seol's. "uh--- he only said, not understanding the situation. 

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