f o r t y f o u r

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she felt hyungwon's arm stretching and soon the elevator doors closed. she couldn't move, even if she wasn't close with hyungwon, she felt it was the only place she could be right now, his arms. after all he had tried to warn her about kihyun, he showed genuine interest in her well being and she now appreciated it. 

he didn't say anything, she felt his big hand petting her hair. she cried on his chest, wetting his black turtle neck but he didn't seem to mind. 

after a few seconds the doors opened and she broke the hug, wiped the tears and glanced at him with red eyes. 

he pressed his lips together in a thin line and walked out of the elevator. when she didn't follow him and when he noticed, he turned around and motioned her to follow him. 

she quickened her pace and trailed behind him. "you were given the day off by the way." he could hear the soft sobs behind him. 

seol followed him through the sea of fancy cars until they finally arrived an area she had never been before. an old white pick up truck was parked at the end of the fancy row of cars. 

stopping on her tracks, she glanced at the vintage car and looked at hyungwon. he walked towards it and with difficulty opened the passenger's door. "kaja." 

she hesistated for a second before making her way inside. she didn't have a car, she was used to go around in either cabs or public transportation. but with kihyun she'd ride fancy cars and she kind of grew to like it. but hyungwon's car was surely something she didn't expect. 

there was nothing wrong with it, it was actually cute it's just it was her first time riding a car like that.

the insides of the car, even if it was old, seemed clean and tidy. hyungwon got inside the driver's seat and closed his door shut loudly. he glanced at her as he turned on the engine. "sorry, it has its trick, it's an old door."

"it's an old car." she mumbled. suddenly he looked at her in what seem to be a scolding way but then they both burst in laugh at the same time. 

he turned on the engine and drove towards the parking lot's entrance. "where to?" he asked. she shrugged.

"i don't know. you're the one who led me here." he stared at her for a couple of seconds and then nodded in reassurement. 

seol noticed he took the principal avenue and she knew he wasn't taking her home and that was good news, because right now the least thing she wanted was to deal with her current house situation, especially after getting the news on her new-old apartment.

and she didn't know hyungwon that well, but she kind of trusted him. she knew that probably to whatever place he was taking her right now, was the best option she had. 

soon she noticed they were driving towards the outsides of the city, she didn't know what he had in mind but she couldn't care less. it seemed like the farther the city, the best.

there was a soft music playing on hyungwon's radio. it was something she had never listen before but it was definitely relaxing. so she let herself lean back on the seat and closed her eyes. sticking her hand out of the window, she felt the soft breeze brushing her fingers. 

after that, her heart felt lighter. she was still hurt and bothered about the ceo situation, but not as she was a few minutes ago before leaving the company. 

everything seemed a bit better now. and her heart even if it was still conflited, seemed to be in a new state of redemption. 

after driving for at least 45 minutes, she noticed hyungwon stopping in a gas station. he turned off the engine and sighed. softly turning to look at her. "you want something specific?"

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