t w e n t y t w o

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"i am downstairs, i want you here in 2 minutes, come or i'll go get you."  his words seemed cold and distant mixed with a hint of angerness and irritation. he was back to full boss mode and ended the call without even give her time to say something back. 

she stood frozen in the middle of the kitchen, panting. as she tried to move her feet, she walked slowly towards the window and effectively, the black car was parked across the street. she noticed hyungwon coming out of the car. she quickly turned around and closed her eyes.

the apartment was quiet and it was obvious jooheon was asleep already. quietly as she could, she grabbed all her stuff and walked to the door, putting on her boots and preparing to make her way downstairs. 

when she walked out of the building, she saw hyungwon's figure waiting for her. he was standing besides the car just waiting to open the door for her. 

she knew the ceo was inside the car, and she didn't want to imagine what his mood was. he sounded pretty furious on the phone so she didn't want to deal with his state but she had no other choice.

hyungwon glanced at her, giving her a sympathetic look, but she gathered all her strength. somehow it felt she was on her way to meet with her executioner.

the tall one opened the door for her and she got inside holding a big breath. inside the car was the sitting figure of the ceo. he had his eyes focused on the road and didn't even glance at her.

"sajangnim..." she greeted him with a respectful bow but the man kept ignoring her. eventually hyungwon got inside the car and drove them away. 

on her way to kihyun's apartment, she pulled out her phone to send a text to jooheon. seol didn't want to worry him. but later she remembered how he said he'd take some pills for the flu, that meant he wouldn't wake up until at leas 9 or 10 am the next day. it was the perfect alibi for her to say that she had left for work earlier.

she noticed the familiar building ahead of them and sighed in relief. in a way or another, she was both tired and nervous, and she thought that even if the ceo was mad at her, she'd be able to rest after a shower to relieve her nerves. 

kihyun got outside the car as soon as hyungwon pulled over, not even waiting for her and closing the door immediately. she felt guilty because he was probably angry because of her, especially after he stated, she had to spent the nights with him, mostly on weekdays and she had agreed to that.

seol jumped on her seat when she heard hyungwon clearing his throat. he had opened the door for her and was now waiting for her to get out of the car.

she walked out and stopped to glance at hyungwon. neither of them said anything. he seemed to be genuinely worried about her, and she noticed, especially after he blinked twice, it looked like he was holding back something. 

seol thought he'd say something but he didn't, instead he just stepped aside to let her walk towards the elevator. she then joined kihyun at the elevator's doors. he was waiting for it to arrive, his hands on his pockets as he looke up at the enlightened numbers on top of them.

she glanced at the ceo, looking at him with a cute face, just to see if she could catch some of this attention since she didn't know what to say to him. but it seemed her charms didn't affect him. 

just when she was about to try make a cute aegyo for him, the elevator's door opened and kihyun got inside taking strides. she rolled her eyes and followed him inside. 

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