f o r t y o n e

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warnings: mature content ahead. if you're not comfortable reading, skip it please.  

the moving day finally came and seol had mixed feelings about it all. she remembered the conversation she had with jooheon the previous night, when she revealed she was going to move out by herself. 

he had got angry about it, for her keeping it from him, but eventually he understood and was left with only a sad feeling. 

"so you're not going to be around anymore?" 

"it's not like that jooheon, i'll still be you friend it's just... i'll live in another place."

"yeah i get it, but it won't be the same." he sighed, running a hand through his dark hair. seol didn't want to lie to him but she also couldn't admit nor say anything about her relationship contract with the ceo. 

"i-it was bound to happen someday."

"you said it, someday... in the future. not now." he shook his head, a heavy expression on his face. it seemed all happiness left his body. 

"mianhae." she apologized countless times as she tried to cheer him up by saying he could always come to her house to hang out, deep inside hoping that when he did, kihyun wasn't around or else she'd be in trouble. 

kihyun had organized everything for the moving so she didn't have to do anything but supervise. jooheon had insisted on helping and since kihyun was abroad for a business trip, seol agreed. 

"this is sick." jooheon said cheerfully as he hung around the balcony. seol walked out, holding a beer for him. "here."

"thanks." he said taking a sip, leaning on the metallic rail, watching the city. he sighed. "how are you paying this? i mean... the location, the size of this apartment... it must be really expensive."

seol just shrugged. "i guess i am making good money in these internships."

jooheon's eyes widened. "yeah but... enough to pay this?" seol smiled and finally nodded.

"damn... now i really want a job there, can you like... talk with the boss?" he said jokingly to which seol choked on her beer. 

"yah!" she scolded him, pushing his arm playfully. jooheon just laughed but turned to look at her. 


"i am waiting for an answer? can you talk with the boss?"

seol tilted her head. "no! of course not... i don't even- know him."


"yeah i don't know how he looks like."

"you haven't seen his face? seriously? what kind of boss is that?" he barked, shaking his head, taking a sip of the beer. seol felt guilty inside, she knew his face, she knew lots of thim about him, she had even seen him naked more than once.

she looked down and remained silent as they both drank the beer quietly. "thanks for helping me with the moving and all... i knew you didn't want to."

"what are you talking about, i offered myself to help you." 

seol looked at him with serious eyes, tilting her head. "you know deep inside you don't want me to move out." 

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