s e v e n t y s e v e n

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"congratulations sunbae!" seol exclaimed as she hugged  changkyun. he was still in shock, robotically packing on his small now-old cubicle. 

"thank you... i still can't believe it - he stopped for a second with widened eyes - did you know?" 

seol shook her head. "aniyo... it was a surprise for me too." she said helping him pack. "what about you? aren't you packing?"

"yeah... but i still don't know where my office will be." she shrugged as she closed one of changkyun's boxes. 

"jinjja... manager, i can't believe it. my mom is going to cry for like a whole month." he chuckled. 

the mention of the word mom stinging seol's chest. she laughed nervous. "i bet she'll be proud."

someone suddenly knocked on the door. they both turned around to find a pair of gentle dimples showing off. "eeeh... congratulations, i heard it." 

"thank you man." jooheon walked inside, hugging changkyun. "so now you're my boss?"

"technically not yet, you start working tomorrow." seol said, making jooheon's eyes roll. "you're my boss too?" she only shrugged.

"aish... i won't be using honorifics just that you know." he said with warning eyes. the three of them laughed. 

"we should celebrate, right?"

"sure, tonight." changkyun said, seol just nodded. "uh... can i bring someone?"

"you mean someone as your lover?" jooheon asked only to receive a head smack. "he's my boyfriend you know?"

jooheon and changkyun looked at each other with awkward eyes. "i mean... not to offend but- isn't it a bit weird to get drinks with the ceo? like... he's our boss after all."

"yeah... what if i say something disgusting about him and get fired before i start working?" 

seol rolled her eyes. "why are you guys like this... he's nice."

"who's nice?" the three of them turned around to find the ceo leaning against the door. he smiled at them with his arms crossed on his chest.

changkyun's eyes were to come out of their sockets. "s-sajangnim- i swear to god-

"gwenchana changkyun-ssi... i am just here for miss ha - he turned to look at seol - may i have a word with you, please?"

she glanced awkwardly at the two and finally nodded, making her way towards the door. the ceo stepped out and glanced at her. a sweet smile appeared on his lips and she finally could breathe again. "follow me." he said winking and walking ahead of her. 

they weren't official yet. the ceo was advised to announce their relationship a few weeks after seol's promotion, other wise it'd look forced. even though he was dying to let everyone know about their relationship, he agreed against his will. 

seol walked through the different halls, passing wonho's old office and arrivind a door that was across his. they both stopped there and the ceo turned to look at her. "open it." he said motioning towards the door.

she hesitated for a second as millions of thoughts rushed through her mind but finally gathering courage, she pushed the door open. 

inside was what it seemed to be a office, it looked different from the rest. still fancy but definitely cute. she slowly walked inside, soon followed by the ceo who closed the door behind them. 

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