t w e n t y t h r e e

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next morning things started changing around, especially for seol. somehow she felt awkward the first days of the relationship with kihyun. but after the previous night, in some way everything seemed less complicated. 

that morning she had woken up to a sleepy kihyun next to her. one hand rested under his pillow and the other on top of it. from seol's view she could only see his button nose and closed eyes. his long eyelashes moved softly almost caressing his flushed cheeks. he looked so peaceful and well rested. 

his silver hair was impossibly tousled, a few strands of hair falling carelessly on his forehead and sideburns. he certainly looked like a prince or at least that's what seol thought. his naked torso was slightly exposed to the heated room's temperature. it seemed he could sleep shirtless without any problem nor feeling cold. 

she leaned on her pillow as she let herself sink in the view of the ceo resting comfortably on his side of the bed. 

seol remembered the previous night as probably the most exciting she had ever lived and she couldn't help but blush at the thought of the things the ceo did to her. 

even if it was a bit embarrassing, after he woke up and greeted her with a genuine small smile and a sweet "good morning miss ha... you look pretty today" all the insecurities and fears soon vanished away. he seemed different, he seemed delighted

it was something seol never imagined would witness. kihyun was usually cold and distant, but that morning he had a few smiles for her and his tone was velvety most of the times. she didn't know he had that type of charms hidden under that ice prince image he'd usually tried to pull off. 

during the breakfast he asked her if she wanted coffee, after she agreed, he sent mr. noh off and prepared it by himself, a vanilla latte, her personal favorite. he had delivered to her with eager eyes after whispering softly. "i hope it's delicious."  even if those were really small actions, she felt like it meant the world to her.

of course as if it was hard to imagine, the ceo was good at running an empire, good at making businesses with foreign clients, and even of common knowledge, he was good at sports and art, it was expected he was good at making coffee and he was. it was delicious, seol couldn't hide her gratification and her eyes and facial expressions gave her away.

after taking showers individually they went together to work. that morning he had drove the car by himself and he'd usually turn to look at her with a smile on his eyes. after all kihyun was a serious man but it seemed he had nice memories of the previous night. seol couldn't help but notice, his mood had changed improved dramatically from the previous days. 

she felt like blushing every time he'd turn to look at her. the look on his eyes was as if he had come to terms with her, forgetting about her going straight to her house, somehow disobeying him, it looked like it had been long forgotten, lucky her.

even if he wasn't that communicative, his mood improved and he'd definitely look at her with different eyes and a much less severe expression. 

when they arrived the company, the panoramic view changed though. he was back at being the cold boss. 

seol noticed when they got inside the elevator. somehow his shoulders stiffened and his frown was back. he stood a few centimeters away from her and she sighed in disappointment since a few hours ago, when she first saw his eye smile, she thought it was the cutest thing she had ever seen and now she was missing it. 

the elevator's door opened at 18th floor. unfortunately minhyuk was waiting for the elevator to go up. "omona! sajangnim - he bowed to kihyun - seol-ssi- he bowed too but then frowned when his mind put the pieces together.

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