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once they arrived their destiny, they were transported to the hotel where the party was going to be held and the same one where they'll be staying. it was a resort, one of the top of busan.

"this way please." the protocol lady led the way as again they were separated by departments. "this is annoying." changkyun elbowed seol, she just laughed.

"these are your rooms, when i call your name please take a step forward." the lady said as she read the list of names and gave them their card to open their respective doors.

"which one you got?" changkyun asked. she looked at her card. "602"

"seriously?... i have 504, i don't think we're even in the same floor." changkyun laughed with a sweet smile but disappointment could be seen in his eyes. she frowned and looked back at her card, wondering if that was true. 

the hotel was beautiful but of course, it was fancy too. by now she knew yoo kihyun liked fancy and exclusiveness. he wouldn't throw a party in a regular hotel, of course he would throw a party in the most expensive one in the area.

the elevator's doors opened, revealing the 5th floor where all the 500 and something-rooms where. changkyun glanced at her. "i'll see you downstairs at dinner, i guess..." seol said to changkyun as he walked out of the elevator, flashing a warm smile and a single nod.

the doors closed and the elevator, after a few seconds, finally arrived the 6th floor which had all the 600 and something-rooms. they were lucky enough to get a single room for each one of the workers.

her room was wide, all in white and it had an amazing view to the ocean. everything smelled fresh and the place looked clean. the bathroom was big so as the living room. that room looked more like a suite, instead of a regular room, and she thought how kind of the ceo to book rooms like those for everyone.

after taking a long hot shower, she washed all her tiredness away and finally felt relaxed. she put on a red short loose dress and dried her hair with a hairdryer. she applied some makeup, not to much and finally did her way downstairs where she'd meet the rest of the people.

the whole place looked beautiful and the food smelled amazing. she spotted the designers table in the distance, changkyun waved at her, she just smiled and walked towards the table but she was soon stopped by a cheerful voice.

"well you look great in read seol-ssi." minhyuk said as he stepped on her way, eyes narrowed, arms crossed on his chest.

she laughed as she saw his outfit. it was different from the yellow one he was wearing that morning, and definitely different from the suits he wore at work.

"gomawoyo... but what are you wearing?" she asked pointing at his washed purple jeans and the colored sweater. "this old thing? are you feeling envious?" his smirk was adorable, even if he tried to look cool.

"i like it though." he did look cool in those clothes. he looked as if he was out of a 70's movie.

she did her way towards her table and took a seat next to changkyun. minhyuk wandered around, he would seat in each table and talk with the people on it for about 15 minutes and then change tables, it was his thing.

she noticed at the distance how two men opened the entrance doors and the silver haired made his way inside. the moment he walked in, she couldn't take her eyes off of him. he was surely a mysterious man.

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