t w e n t y n i n e

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that night seol had a hard time sleeping. seconds turned into minutes, and minuted into hours as she stared at the ceo perfect side profile and chest moving up and down slowly. 

in all her life she never did this and she never felt like this either. she have had a boyfriend previously but she never felt the need to stay awake just to watch him sleep. even if it was a bit creepy, she just couldn't take her eyes off of him, the only sight of yoo kihyun was stunning even in this relaxed state, she just couldn't look away. 

eventually her eyes closed and she gave in dreamland only to be awakened a few hours later by the sound of the shower coming from the bathroom. she looked at the space next to her and found it empty. 

just when she was about to leave the bed, she noticed the bathroom's door opening and she quickly snuggled back inside the sheets, taking the quilt over to her nose, leaving only a small split to have a look.

but kihyun was a witty man and just when he came out of the bathroom, he saw her hiding under the quilt. 

to her surprise, she felt wet drops of water falling on her as she discovered herself to meet the ceo's stunning morning and freshly shaved face, in front of her. he had his arms on each side of her, supporting his weight on the bed. 

she was caged again, between his hot body and the bed, it was a situation she had found involved pretty often lately. "good morning miss ha." his low tone sending already shivers down her spine. he had a naughty look and playfull lips.

kihyun stared at her a few seconds. "good morning sajangnim." she answered. his lips curved into a smirk and he leaned down to press his lips against hers, a soft kiss.

"get up or you'll be late for work, kaja." he said leaving the bed and seol's cheeks in a bright red tone. she felt drunk for a second, as if she had drank at least 5 bottles of soju just herself. being so close to him had an effect on her, but when the ceo tried to be flirty it was just ten times worse. she obediently stood from the bed and went take a bath and get ready for work just as he commanded. 

that day mr. noh had prepared a quick breakfast since both were running late for work. just yogurt with cereal and apple juice for her and a fruit salad for kihyun with his respective tea. 

they went downstairs only to be met by hyungwon himself, waiting for them in the usual black car. kihyun greeted him with a nod as he made his way inside the car. seol glanced at him and flashed a sweet smile because she didn't know what to say to him. 

hyungwon looked away and closed the door as soon as she got inside, leaving her both confused and disappointed. 

she knew he was a man of few words but lately he's been acting strange and she feared he was mad a her for some reason she didn't know. 

on her way to the company, she thought about talking with him alone, in one of those random-accidental encounters they always had, and she thought about asking him straight why he acted like that towards her.

she jumped on her seat when she felt a warm, gentle touch on her wrist. she turned to look at the ceo's hand, resting softly on her skin. his fingers wrapped gently as they traveled down to grab her hand. her eyes met his for a second, she noticed he was looking at her with amusement. 

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