t w e n t y e i g h t

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seol's lips curved into a smile when she spotted kihyun's building in the distance. the previous night he had brought her back to her apartment but tonight he was bringing her to his instead.

he glanced at her, with smirk on his eyes as he parked the car. he opened her door and grabbed her hand, squeezing it hard as they both made their way to the familiar elevator. just a few seconds later they were inside kihyun's pent. 

when the elevator's doors closed, he turned to look at her with eyes dark full of lust and approached her, closing the space between them, sealling their lips in a heated kiss. seol's knees grew weak as she started thinking about mr. noh being around. 

but before she could ask for the presence of the old man, kihyun led her skillfully to his bedroom, even if his eyes were closed and his lips and tongue focused on hers. he managed to take her to his bedroom to finish what he had started. 

once the couple got inside, he locked the door and turned to look at her as he slowly removed his jacket followed soon by his tie. his fiery eyes never let hers, he'd lick his lips or bit softly as he stared at her. it made seol feel wanted, desired, and it was a feeling it was starting to grow in her.

he walked slowly towards her, his elegant steps caging her in the room. she felt her back touching the cold wall and then she knew there was no turning back. 

kihyun's hands held onto her waist as he examined her features in detail. he brought his lips to hers and bit softly her bottom lip. "are you ready for me... miss ha?"

the words automatically sending waves of electricity down between seol's legs. he had control over her, that's how persuasive kihyun was. he had a powerful way of wrapping her around his finger and dominate her just as his liking.

and seol loved it. 

he slowly removed her dress, unzipping it with care, as he stared at the new and exposed skin. the scene was almost indicent. he looked at her as if he was to pop fangs in any second to skin her alive and drink her blood. she felt both nervous and aroused because with yoo kihyun you never knew.

she counted it as the second time she'd be with him and after the first one, she knew he was intense and dominant and seol never knew she'd like such things.

"seol-ssi..." he mumbled her name, lips closed to her ears as he bit softly her earlobe. it was the second time he had called her by her name, with such respect. first time she remembered had been in when they got trapped together and he asked her, worried, if she was alright. 

in this second time, the context was totally different though, and it didn't bother her. hearing her name, coming from such a sexy voice, did wonders to her. 

"yes sajangnim?" she managed to ask, almost patting herself on the shoulder for not stammering at the magnificent view of the ceo wearing a white buttoned shirt, sleeves rolled up and black tight pants, pinning her against the wall, touching every inch of her skin as he removed her clothes, leaving her naked and ready for him.

"i want you... to tell me... what you want me... to do to you." he said those words in a low tone, between kisses, as his lips left a trail of bites down her neck. she threw her head backwards as she enjoyed the contact of his lips on her. 

there were plenty of things on her mind that she wished him to do to her, but she knew it was a rhetorical question. even if she'd say what she wanted, the ceo would do what he wanted with her, because that was their deal and she had accepted it. 

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