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"we need to talk." jooheon seemed serious as never before. she remembered knowing him since a long time ago and he had never used this tone or at least not with her, ever.

he took a step towards her and stood right in front of her. "what was that all about? who is this ceo? and what does he have to do with hyungwon and you? i need to know everything, don't lie to me."

she knew at this point and after what happened tonight she couldn't keep lying to him. so after hesitantely she started talking, she ended up telling him everything. 

even if she was ashamed at some parts, jooheon was her best friend and she hated lying to him. in fact, she never wanted to do it again. 

he stared at a fix point around, his eyes had a black expression. seol didn't know what were his feelings at the moment because he was really quiet.

"please say something?" her voice was quiet. she tried to speak softly the whole time becuase she didn't want to wake up her father nor she wanted to tell him the whole story. 

even if jooheon could be feisty sometimes, this time he listened carefully and never interrupted her. 

he stilted his head, sighing. "i mean... i am appalled." he confessed, looking at her with serious eyes. 

"did i disappoint you? i did right? i am sorry-

"aniya. you didn't disappoint me, your judge did though." he said walking around, seol followed.

"i am sorry. i don't know what i was thinking i just thought-

"you thought what? that i'd be fun to try out agreeing to a contract like that? what were you thinking?"

seol looked down. "please don't judge me-

"i am not!" jooheon exclaimed, running a hand through his hair. 

seol felt her chest aching at jooheon's harsh words. "i am not judging you... it's just, if a woman comes and offers me that kind of deal i don't know... it doesn't sound safe nor a healthy thing to do for me, you get it?"

she nodded. "it's not... a common thing to do." he shook his head and walked to the kitchen. seol trailed behind him. 

he went inside and opened the fridge to get a water bottle. "he's an asshole." 


"no. whatever you say, he is an asshole." 

"he didn't force me-

"are you defending him!?" he exclaimed, putting down agressively the water bottle on the kitchen counter.

"i am not. but i can't blame him either. it is not entirely his fault. i am a grown up woman, he proposed and i accepted. he didn't put a gun to my head for me to agreed."

jooheon tilted his head, looking at her in confussion. "i made this decision by myself. he never threatened me. he just explained everything and i was so curious about the whole thing that i accepted-

"yeah but what kind of man he is to even propose one of his interns that? ah? to begin with?"

"yes... you might be right about that but he didn't commit a crime. i am legal, we both are. it was just a deal about sex that's it. and i was supposed to get big benefits as well-

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