t w e n t y f i v e

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seol noticed they were driving away from the city, to the surroundings of seoul. she had never been there before. it was well known only wealthy people and with important connections, hung out in those areas. those were the hot and chic places everyone knew but nobody talked about because it was basically impossible to get in. 

kihyun stopped in front of the big mansion's entrance, soon a valet popped out of nowhere and greeted them with a deep bow. kihyun handed his keys and went to grab seol's hand. they walked inside as seol marveled with the fancy surroundings and elegant decorations. 

"yoo sajangnim, welcome back." a woman with a golden pencil dress and high pony tail greeted them. she glanced quickly at seol but returned her flirty eyes to kihyun, it seemed she knew him from before. seol almost rolled her eyes after realizing most of women would have the same reaction when it came to yoo kihyun. 

but at the same time she understood them, when kihyun spoke to the lady, he turned to give seol a reassuring smile that almost disarmed her as well. 

they were conducted through a fancy hall that eventually led to a wide room with views of the city. the ambiance was nice, the lighting was soft and the classic music at the back could be heard as a distant melody. she had never been in a place like that, it was certainly the most elegant place she'd been.

"this is your table." the woman said pointing gracefully at the table. kihyun nodded and pulled a chair for seol and in that moment she noticed the woman again almost glaring at her. in a way she felt lucky, it was more than obvious kihyun was such a handsome man and a great partner to be with. 

"here are your menus... yoo sajangnim." she bowed but just then kihyun interrupted her. "miss ha." he said tilting his head, handing  her one of the menus the woman just gave him. kihyun just wanted the woman to acknowledge seol's presence.

"kamsahamnida, please come back in a few minutes after we figure out what we want to order." he turned to the woman, flashing a diplomatic smile. with a sharp nod the woman finally bowed and left. 

seol felt relieved when she found herself sitting alone with the ceo. but having yoo kihyun in front of her, glancing at her now and then, brought back her nerves. the only sight of him was breathtaking. 

she glanced at the ceo, peering as she held the menu close to her face. she noticed how kihyun bit his lip as he read the different meals, focused. 

"anything you like miss ha?" he asked, as if he already knew she was staring at him. a gentle lift of eyebrows, followed by his eyes landing on hers, made seol almost moan in her seat. all the meories of his lips on her from the previous night just made her feel all kinds of sensations.

"a-aniyo." she simply said, returning her nervous eyes to the menu as she cursed herself mentally for being so indiscreet. 

after a few minutes the waitress returned and they were both finally ready to order. the woman collected the menus and stared at kihyun. "sajangnim, what can i get you?"

"miss ha?" he asked instead, waiting for seol to answer. she bit her lip and glanced at the menu again. "ah yes... i'll have the baked dijon salmon with honey roasted potatoes please." she said nodding and glancing at kihyun. 

he smiled sweetly. "and i'll have the green risotto with italian herbs and mushrooms, kamsahamnida." he nodded, giving the waitress the green light to walk away from their table. "right away sajangnim."

"ah and please bring us a bottle of pinot gris." he flashed a smile before quickly returning his eyes to seol. a soft smile appeared on his lips as he tilted his head and stared at her with intense eyes.

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