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the kiss was soft, just his lips pressing softly against hers. it was quick and painless, as if he had given it without too much thought but without too much feeling in it.

after realizing what just happened, his dark grey eyes widened and he quickly broke the kiss, separating his lips from hers. he stood from the bed and took a few steps back, running a hand nervously through his silver hair.

he looked at her, terror in his eyes and without saying anything else, he just turned around and left the room.

she blinked twice, still confused about what just had happened. she stood from bed and walked to the bathroom and looked at her reflection.

she looked like a mess, her makeup was a mess just as her thoughts in the moment.

the ceo kissed her.

she wasn't sure if it was sexual harassment. it was awkward but it wasn't that serious, at least that's what she felt or thought at the moment. she thought that maybe tomorrow, everything will be clarified and it'll pass as something without importance.

and that next morning she went downstairs to meet the designers to have breakfast. she noticed changkyun waving at her but soon her phone started ringing. her face lightened up when she noticed the cute nickname on the id caller.

"yo waddup heoney."

"wasaaap girl... how you doing? if i don't call you, i never hear from you."

"i know, i am sorry. the trip was long and i was tired and totally forgot to call you."

"arasseo... how is everything though?"

"it's... okay." she wanted to avoid talking about the ceo and the little situation in which she was involved last night.

"just okay? is it boring? i knew it was going to be boring-

"aniya... it's not boring, it's just, i don't have a lot of friends yet, i am still very new."

"what about that one guy who never shuts up?"

"minhyuk is alright, but he can't just spend the whole time with me, he has work to do."

"what about that one guy who looks like he could kill a puppy?"

"changkyun is here too, but sometimes he disappears, i don't know."

"girl you need to get some friends."

"i know... so how is everything back there."

"but listen i said friends... not best friends so don't get too many ideas."

she just laughed. "arasseo..."

"about your question, i am great, i can walk naked around the house-

"it's not like you didn't do it before, when i was there." he just laughed this time.

"and boki-yah is coming tonight, we're having a drama marathon."

"uh, i see..." a hint of jealousness crawled up her spine. she loved boki, she was jooheon's and her best friend, but they always hung around together, the three of them. so the thought of jooheon being alone with boki somehow bothered her, she didn't know why.

"have fun."

"we will... although we'll miss you, nobody can top your cucumber sandwhich"

"yah... i hope you two choke, gotta go, bye."

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