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warnings: mature content ahead. if you're not comfortable reading, skip until the next ""


"who says?" his tone was determined and steady. it was more than obvious he grew both impatient and upset. 

seol blinked twice, a puzzled expression laid on her face. kihyun closed the space between them, leaning closer to her. "who says?" he repeated the question, making emphasis with his demanding tone and cold stare. 

she tried to open her mouth to refute but the words were stuck on the back of her throat. it was true she liked the ceo but right now she admitted he was being an asshole. 

his clenched jaw though was a piece of view. even if she felt upset about his behavior she couldn't deny how hot he looked when he was angry. 

since he didn't receive an answer from her, he looked for her forearm and dragged her along towards the bedroom. seol complied still in silence, with plenty stuff she wanted to say but simply wouldn't leave her mouth. 

once they reached the bedroom, he led them both inside and then closed the door. seol noticed his hand resting on the white wooden surface. his back moving up and down, his breathing speeding up. 

it was obvious there was some tension between the two, it was almost palpable and audible. when he turned around slowly his fury eyes looked for hers. his teeth gritted slightly as he made his way towards her.

"you've broken several rules of the contract seol... i don't get it, why would you do it?" his voice was low and she felt as if he was scolding her. 

he stood in front of her and looked at her from head to toe slowly. "take it off." he barked, tilting his head with a serpentine head movement. seol swallowed hard as the nerves grew stronger.


"all of it, take it off now." he demanded, as he croosed his arms on his chest, waiting impatiently for her to proceed. 

she had been naked around him before but right now, after he demanded it in such a way, made her feel conscious and she couldn't move. 

he took the situation on his hands and quickly took a step towards her, pushing her sweater up through her arms so as the shirt underneath. she felt exposed for a minute but the way he looked at her triggered something inside seol's chest. 

his eyes were fixed on her as he slid his fingers on the hem of her pajama pants. with a swift move he brough her closer as he slid the pants down. "you're mine." he said taking a step towards her, his voice lower than before, his eyes fixed on her lips now. 

he took his arms behind her back and unzipped the bra she was wearing. "say it."

seol's chest moved up and down faster. she didn't dare to move at all, she was petrified but a tingling feeling was building up between her legs. being exposed like this, especially when the bra disappeared behind him, gave her a strenght she didn't know she possesed. 

the fact that he was demanding her in every way she knew, even almost forcing her to say out loud she was his, ligtened up her something inside her. she felt aroused by just looking at him and the whole thing they were discussing a few minutes ago was long forgotten. 

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