s i x t e e n

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seol swallowed hard as she felt the familiar sickness. his stare was cold and it looked like he was upset about something. 

but what was he doing there? she couldn't help but ask herself. 

she was frozen in her chair, she wanted to move to hide under the table but she couldn't. instead she saw how a man approached him and whispered something to his ear to which he only nodded. 

"seol-ah? sweet potato bites?" jooheon said as he offered a small tray of sweet potato bites. she didn't even glance at jooheon, instead her eyes remained stuck on his. but after a few minutes, he stood from the table and walked out of a black door.

to say she was nervous was an understatement. she had been avoiding the ceo the whole morning and part of the afternoon, all becaus she was confused about how to answer to such a deal. 

but now he was there, right in the same place she was. what were the odds? she thought. but there was no answer, the odds were nule. he was there because of a reason and she suddenly felt determined to see which one was. 

she excused herself and stood from the table, saying she needed to go to the bathroom. instead she just looked for a door that would lead her outside, in fact, she just needed fresh air. 

a couple of guards opened the door and bowed their heads to her as she desperately looked for a window or a door. there were waitresses around, carrying trays of food inside the big hall she just left.

finally after a few seconds, she found a small balcony and as she stepped outside she felt finally able to breathe again. 

she didn't want to think she was the reason why the ceo was there tonight, but the idea wouldn't leave her mind. 

the metal rail felt cold under her fingers, she breathed out as she closed her eyes. the silence of the night giving her back the comfort and peace she needed in that moment. and the moment lasted until someone clear their throat behind her.

seol quickly turned around and jumped in surprise as her eyes met a pair of dark smiley eyes. "ha seol?" a tall man in a dark wine suit, with short dark hair, asked. 

"omo... hyunwoo sunbae?" she took her hands to her mouth as she couldn't believe the man standing in front of her. he smiled widely as he nodded.

"that's me... oh god, i can't believe you're here? i thought about you tonight!" he said taking a step towards her. she couldn't believe the view she had, especially about how changed he looked now.

hyunwoo noticed her surprised and he couldn't help but laugh at it. "you're surprised?" 

"i mean... sunbae... you look so different now." she scratched the back of her head, her body suddenly relaxing before the attractive view. hyunwoo's cheeks blushed as he moved uncomfortably around, ashamed of seol's words.

"aigoo... - he chuckled - better? or worse?" he asked running a hand through his dark hair. "aniyo! better sunbae... you look amazing." she complimented him as she remember how he used to be a small and skinny kid with big glasses and oversized clothes during their high school time, even if he was a couple of years older than her, he always looked younger back then.

"ne... gomagoyo seol-ah..." he nodded his head, giving her a sweet smile. "i thought i'd see you here tonight." he quickly added, playing with his hands nervously as he stared at her. 

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