f i v e

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"that would be all, thanks." she said to the crew, the all clapped once the shooting was done. she checked the camera once more and smiled. the shoots looked really nice.

the fake smiles vanished once the lights were off. she heard people gossiping about how such a young intern was put to make such an important job.

seol sighed as she collected her stuff and did her way to her office. in part they were right. what she did that morning was actually something that was meant to be for a senior, like changkyun, not her.

someone knocked the crystal door, she looked up and found him staring. "can i come in?"

"of course cubicle 8- she started but soon bit her tongue. the blonde laughed and closed the door behind him. "i heard you had your first shooting today... congrats."

"yeah about that--- i am sorry-

"what? are you kidding?" he asked offended, a trace of mischivousness behind his brown soft eyes.

"don't apologize, you're clearly better than i am." she shook her head, denying his words. "aniyo... i really don't understand why they trusted me with such an important job, seriously, i am deeply sorry-

"don't be. you did a good job, i saw the takes."

her eyes widened. "how?"

"i have access to everything. i am a senior, remember? that's why you should call me sunbae." he said smiling, she widened her eyes in shame, it was true. "i think you did a pretty amazing job, again, congrats seol-ah." his tone changed, he wasn't as formal with her as the first time. she couldn't help but smile at the thought of him joking with her and her having a friend around.

"thank you." she said looking down, avoiding the eye contact. changkyun smiled at the mention of it.

"don't worry about it. i can't wait to see it complete." he stood from the chair and walked to the door. "please show it to me." she just nodded.

"well it was nice seeing you... we'll talk tomorrow. you worked hard, go home now." he said between a sweet smile, closing the door behind him.

a tired sigh left her lips when she turned off the macbook and leaned back on her chair. she had been working the whole afternoon on editing the video and she only had a few takes left that she would finish in the morning.

after checking the clock she realized she had been there for one hour more and missed the usual time when employees leave. "shoot." she cursed under her breath, thinking about how the subway was going to be extra crowded and she'll probably never arrive home and will have to take an expensive cab on her way back.

once she collected all her stuff, she did her way towards the elevator. just when the doors opened she found a cold pair of eyes staring at her with disapproval. hands entwined in front of his dark navy blue suit.

for a moment she didn't move as she stared back at him, nervous, knees almost trembling. her first thought was: what is he doing here at this hour?

when the doors were about to close, he took a step forward and put his hand in between to prevent the elevator doors from closing. "are you coming?" his voice was distant but it was not as cold as it was that morning, surprisingly informal. she thought maybe he was exhausted and he preferred to skip the formalism. 

she only nodded, a weak nod and walked inside, standing next to him. he took a step back after marking the low level button and putting his hands on his pockets.

the silence was awkward and it grew tense between the two. she wanted to say something, to ease the situation, but she didn't know what exactly, and she didn't want to sound like a fool in front of him.

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