f i f t y e i g h t

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that day passed kind of quick for seol. before she could notice she was already back at home. the whole way back she couldn't stop thinkint about what she witnessed during the lunch. 

it seemed the ceo had moved on really quick and looked for another bodyguard in less than a day. but seol wondered the real reason behind. 

she remembered hyungwon mentioned he was in some kind of debt with the ceo. even if he has pay it before, he still felt in debt with him. so she couldn't understand why hyungwon would disappear like that.

seol opened the apartment's door an quickly removed her shoes. it felt nice being back home, to her usual apartment. 

not that the ceo's couches and penthouse in general wasn't comfortable, but there was nothing like home for seol and her home was that old apartment. 

she walked in, removing her coat slowly as she immediately went to the kitchen to fix herself some good old kimchi fried rice that she had been craving the whole day. 

suddenly a black haired popped in the kitchen, hands on his waist as he stared mercilessly at seol. "what do you think you're doing?" 

she looked at him confused, lips parted. "uh... kimchi fried rice?"

he rolled his eyes and approached her. "no. i mean... what do you think you're doing with your life? why are you wasting it like this?"

"what are you talking about?" she asked confused.

"i waited for you last night, you didn't arrive!" his eyes were widened, his chest going up and down faster. 

"i called you and texted you several times, you ignored me, is that what friends do?"


"no. don't jooheon me now... you said you'd come and you didn't! what did he do to you? did he force you to stay-

"what? of course not!"

"than what is it, explaint it to me so i can understand!" he exclaimed, it was more than clear he was loosing it each passing second. 

seol closed her eyes as she tried to control her nervous breathing. "yah... i really don't want to fight you nor say something i would regret later on. i think you should calm down now and we can talk like civilized people-

"calm? i am calm!" he exclaimed.

"you clearly aren't. you're yelling me for something that is not even your business." jooheon's eyes widened as he leaned back. 

"not... my business?" he tilted his head, clearly hurt.

"i am sorry but it is not. i accept you want to advise me and i am pretty sure you want what is best for me and i appreciate your concern... but you can't order me what to do anymore jooheon. i won't let him do it and i won't let you or anyone else do it ever again."

jooheon looked at her with shocked eyes. he couldn't believe seol spoke so confidently like that. "i am my own person and i make my own choices whether you like it or not, i don't have to be giving you explanations about what i choose to do or not."

she grabbed the plate with the food she had cooked and walked to her room, leaving jooheon there in the kitchen. 

seol didn't want to fight jooheon but lately he'd been acting like a dictator and he only wanted her to do what he commanded. 

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