t w e n t y o n e

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the bright light flooded the room, it touched everything on its way, especially seol's face. it was warm and it almost blinded her when she opened her eyes.

she moved comfortably in the bed, stretching her limbs as her toes curled. she looked around and noticed the empty space next to her, the one who used to be filled by the sleeping figure of the ceo. 

sitting straight she waited a few seconds as she tried to comb her tangled hair. she wanted to hear if kihyun was in the room. knowing he had waken up before her just upsetted her. somehow she wanted to see his sleeping face but he won over her.

after a few seconds, kihyun emerged from the wardrobe, walking in a dark navy blue suit with a light blue shirt inside and a tie that matched his suit. his hair was combed backwards, a single strand of hair falling seductively on his forehead. he was adjusting his watch as he glanced at her.

"good morning." he said, his tone a bit cold and professional. it was as if he was back at being the ceo. for a moment, seol thought about greeting him nicely but apparently he wasn't in the best of moods. 

soon her mouth opened to say the words but after spending the night with him, just sleeping next to each other, everything was still the same. he was her boss and she didn't feel any closer to him, in fact, she felt more awkward than ever.

"good morning sajangnim." 

kihyun looked at her and sat at the edge of the bed as he put on a pair of black socks. she stayed there, watching his back, how some muscles tensed whenever he moved his arms and hands to put on the socks. it was a delightful view.

"how did you sleep?" his voice caught her out of guard. he had finished putting on his socks but he just stayed there, sitting and looking somewhere in front of him. 

"uh... good sajangnim." 

he stood from the bed and turned to look at her, hands on his pockets as he gave her an unreadable look. "alright, breakfast will be served in 15 minutes, make sure to be ready on time?" she just nodded as he made his way out of the room. 

she got up and took a shower as fast as she could and picked clothes from the ones she had brought. a black short dress with long sleeves with a pair of black ankle boots. she combed her long hair, fixed her bangs and applied some soft make up. 

as she walked towards the living room, from there she could see kihyun moving around the kitchen since the are was opened. he was pouring coffee in a mug, he looked focused. soon a pair of kind dark eyes blocked her vision. 

"oh... annyeonghaseyo ahjussi." she bowed to mr. noh as he smiled widely and did the same to her.

"ah miss ha... good morning. how did you sleep?" he asked, his hands entwined behind his back as his face filled with wrinkles, a pair of dimples marking hardly on each side of his cheeks.

"ah yes, i slept pretty well, kamsahamnida. how about you?" 

the old man smiled. "as a baby, would you like to have breakfast now? i've prepared you something delicious, come." he said inviting her to the kitchen. she nodded and walked next to him. 

"geundae... ahjussi, i wanted to congratulate you for last night's dinner, it was really delicious. i enjoyed it." 

"ah gomawoyo miss ha ... i am glad you liked it." they finally arrived the kitchen, mr. noh moved around, getting a mug for seol as well. "i wish i'd hear that more often." he said glancing at kihyun with narrowed eyes. 

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