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"fine. i'll stay but only for the night." the simple words that changed the look on his eyes and that made his heart race.

"are you?" he genuinely asked, tilting his head like puppies did. seol finally nodded. 

"but... with one condition." 

he nodded in reassurement, a slow and short nod. his eyes remained focuse on hers. "you answer my questions, no matter what they are, you answer them."

it took him a few seconds to finally nod his head. seol walked to the chair where she sat earlier and took a seat again. 

"why are you consuming alcohol and drugs now? if you had never before?" 

the ceo sighed almost rollings his eyes. "can you start with something easier, please?"

"fine. why aren't you eating lately?" 

he sighed again shaking his head. "i don't think this will work."

"why not?" she looked at him with serious eyes. the ceo shivered and stared at her. 

"i wasn't hungry." he sighed. 

"that doesn't sound very convincing sajangnim." 

the ceo lifted an eyebrow and shook his head. "what do you want me to say? to admit that i feel like shit? that i haven't been able to sleep since i did that to you?" 

seol sat straight as the ceo unleashed a streak of complaints and unrequested answers. "i can't eat and i can't sleep... guilt is taking over me so yeah, point fingers at me if you want but the only refuge I found was consequently drugs and alcohol."

she remained silent, staring at him in detail. "why?" she asked with a serious tone. 

"because... they were easy to get and made me forget." he said finally nodding. his eyes seemed honest, a very rare quality of the ceo. 

seol looked away and sighed. she had a hunch it was something related to her since he insisted on seeing her again and showed up at her house the other day. but she didn't know he was feeling guilty and she didn't know if she could believe it. 

"why did you come to my house yesterday?" she ignored his previous explanations and jumped into what she really wanted and needed to know. 

kihyun sighed as he buried his head on his hands, his elbows resting on his knees. "i wanted to see you again... in fact my intention wasn't to talk to you at all... i was just going to- he stopped talking and glanced at her with hurt eyes.


he licked his lip not really looking at her. "i was just... going to stare at your window or to see if i could see you leaving or entering your apartment and as i was doing it... you left the building with him." the last word he said it with a pinch of anger.


he rolled and closed his eyes immediately. "what was he doing there?" 

"this is not the time to talk about that sajangnim." she quickly stopped him. even if she knew hyungwon was probably hating both of them, she was grateful to him. she appreciated him and she wouldn't let kihyun to talk about him without him being in the room. 

the ceo glanced at her with discontent but didn't insist more on the matter.

"why you wanted to see me?" she asked, crossing her arms on her chest. kihyun shrugged. 

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