f i f t y s i x

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seol watched carefully as he ate with eagerness. it was more than obvious the man had starved the past days, he ate as if he hadn't eaten in months.

"aren't you hungry?" he asked with a mouthful of lettuce. seol contained a laugh since he looked like a bunny with his cheeks full of lettuce. she wanted to remain tough and wanted to give off a i-haven't-forget-what-you-did-to-me vibe. 

she didn't want to give in so easily, in fact, at the moment she didn't know if she could ever. 

"not really but thanks." she simply said as she stood from the chair and started collected the now empty plates. he cleaned his lips with a napkin and stared at her carefully as she moved around the kitchen. 

when she started doing the dishes he appeared next to her and leaned backwards on the kitchen counter, next to her. 

seol felt his intense gaze on her. she glanced at him and found him not even flinching, focused on her. "sajangnim... what are you doing?"

"just looking at you." he immediately answered. it wasn't a witty comeback or a sarcastic remark. it was plain and honest, it was the true. 

seol returned her eyes to the dishes and mumbled. "it's kinda creepy."

"i heard that." he answered tilting his head, with his eyes still on her. "why do you do it then?" seol was focused on the dishes, and didn't turn to him. she didn't want to give in in whatever game he seemed to be playing. 

"it makes me feel calmed and comfortable." 

seol's eyes met with his. his eye shone in a light gray color she had never seen before, it looked like cat eyes. she swallowed hard at the intimidating view and quickly returned to the dishes.

"but it's not comfortable for me sajangnim." 

after a few seconds, he finally sighed. "arasseo... mianhae." he said standing straight and walking away from the scene. 

for a second seol felt disappointed. it was kind of creepy but somehow she was now missing the attention. 

she heard him walking out of the kitchen and then his steps faded away. 

quickly she put the dishes back in the places where she got them, and dried her hands with the kitchen rag, thinking about what to do next. 

the ceo's soft voice came from the living room. she entered the scene and noticed his broad back facing her in the distance, as he stared at the city through the tall windows. 

"there's no need for that ahjussi." she heard him saying. soon she noticed he was holding his phone and was in the middle of a call. 

she didn't want to disturb him but she was curious about it, so quietly she walked towards the living room and stood in a corner, waiting patiently for him to finish. 

"i understand but i am perfectly fine now... and seol is here." 

her eyes widened at the sudden mention of her name. "yeah i will. thank you ahjussi." he said ending the call. 

the ceo soon noticed seol's reflection on the glassy window and turned around, pulling his phone inside his pockets. 

"uh- that was... mr. noh... i called him." he said pointing at his phone. 

"oh- i completely forgot to call him-

"it's alright. i already talked to him. everything's fine." 

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