t h i r t e e n

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"alright. i want to know." her calmed voice contained all the stress and anxiety behind her smooth and delicate voice. she was freaking out interally but she had to put a good face for the ceo.

"sure?" she just nodded.

"alright, open the folder in front of you." he pointed at it with his hands. 

she leaned towards it and opened the folder. the first paper that hit her face was the cda. she read it and even if she didn't know too much about laws, it was simple and detailed. 

she signed. 

kihyun smiled inside, her signing only meant one thing, she had his attention and she was open to listen to his request. 

"very well, now the next page." he said nodding, giving her a reassuring look. she nodded too and passed the page. 

the first words that she caught was relationship agreement. her eyes widened at the words. 

she looked up and her eyes met his expectant ones. "miss ha... i'll explain everything to you, but you have to promise you'll keep an open mind as i speak." she hesitanted for a minute but kihyun's eyes seemed honest, for a change. with a sharp nod, kihyun breathed out, relaxing his tensed muscles. 

"i'll have to ask you to don't judge before knowing my reasons." the time passing was consuming seol's patience. "arasseo, just tell me dopunim, what is this?" she asked pointing to the documents between her hands.

"it's a relationship contract. it's not exactly legal or at least not 100%. it is checked by a lawyer and it has its pros and cons." 

"what is a relationship contract?"

"it's just an agreement."

"do you... want to have a relationship with me?" she asked frowning, not because she disliked the ideat completely but because she couldn't imagine a more awkward way to be proposed to be someone's girlfriend than by a contract.

"kind of." he simply said narrowing his eyes. he could sense seol's anxiety through her words. "geundae miss ha... if you want to stop-

"aniyo, please continue." she cursed herself mentally for how quickly she answered, it only meant she was really interested but in reality she was just curious about it all. 

kihyun breathed out, a heavy breath. "as you've noticed i... my life is not exactly conventional. i am a business man and my time is pretty limited, i don't have time to go out and have fun, meet new people or have relationships because my life is my job." she listened carefully to his words, everything made sense by far. 

"so... i am alone at least 90% of my time." he looked away and scratched the back of his head, as if admitting that being alone, really hurt him inside. "that's why when i looked at you, i thought you could be the solution to all that." he said with a bit more cheerful tone, trying to cheer himself up inside.

"i... i can't remember the last time i had a formal relationship, it's been so long ever since..." he looked at her, his eyes seemed bigger somehow. there was something in his look that made seol feel at peace in the middle of the storm, as if he was really telling the truth and he had suffered the loneliness for so long. 

"i won't say i've been entirely lonely ever since, i date here and there but it's nothing formal and to be honest, it is completely tiring. i am tired of it all." 

she swallowed hard, imagining a world in which he couldn't date people or meet someone who he could have a strong connection with, all because of his work, she acknowledged it must be hard.

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