s e v e n t y f o u r

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warning: light smut down below (yea it's been a while). if you're not comfortable reading it, just skip that part.


"is there any food?" jooheon came running to the door as seol removed her shoes, handing him the plastic bag with the container inside. 

he quickly opened it and jumped on his feet, making a silly victory dance. "we have italian today." he said looking for his chopsticks. 

"homemade." she added looking for a glass of water on the fridge. she turned to look at jooheon shoving the pasta into his mouth. she looked at him with disgusted eyes and shook her head.

"aish - he said after he swallowed the food - did he cook this?" seol just nodded. 

he closed his eyes and sighed, looking away. "i really really want to hate him... but he's making my job difficult right now." he said taking another mouthful of pasta, staining the corner of his lips with a deep red. 

seol just chuckled at the same time as her phone beeped. she excused herself and walked to her room. she unlocked the phone and opened the text.

president yoo: did jooheon like the food? 

she smiled warmly at the cute text. 

seol: he is devouring it as we speak

president yoo: does he still hate me? 

seol: i think so

seol: but definitely less than yesterday

seol: which is a progress my love

president yoo: alright... i'll take that

president yoo: i wanted to ask you something... 

seol: what is it? 

president yoo: are you free for a date tomorrow? 

seol frowned as she remembered tomorrow was hyungwon's birthday dinner party. 

seol: isn't tomorrow hyungwon's bday dinner party? 

president yoo: sure, but are you free in the morning? 

she stared at the text as she bite her lip. 

why was the ceo inviting her to a date in a saturday morning? 

seol: a saturday morning? of course i am free

seol: where are we going?

president yoo: well... 

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