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"everything." it was intimidating for her the way he'd glance at her and smile to himself. as if he knew something she didn't. as if he had her all figured out.

it was a creepy feeling. but she found herself both scared and interested. he was interesting. an interesting man, even if his ways frightened her sometimes.

she wanted to ask why everything was interesting to him, but judging on the way he looked right now, she thought it was better to keep it to herself. 

"so here we are." his voice made her turn around. she had been quiet the rest of the trip, her eyes focused in some place outside the window. she'd feel kihyun's stare now and then and she heard his lips smiling too. 

she wanted to know why he'd smile like that? either way, it was overwhelming, being in the car with him, being proposed what he proposed that night. everything was. 

her eyes widened when she noticed how he turned off the engine and walked out of the car. of all things in the world, this one was the least she expected. the ceo walked around the car and soon arrived her door to open it for her. 

she didn't move not because she was expecting him to open the door. she didn't move because she couldn't, she was shocked. 

kihyun opened the door and stood there, leaning against the door. "miss ha?" he called her, she was looking at him but was unable to move. 

"miss ha are you coming? or you're ready to sign the deal and come back to my place with me- she didn't even give him time, she jumped out of the car quickly. this only amused kihyun. he laughed as he shook his head, closing the car's door.

she walked towards the entrance of the building, followed by the ceo. "so this is where you live." 

seol just nodded. "you got the right address." kihyun laughed. "maybe i did well my job after all." he licked his inferior lip, followed by a small bite. seol found herself caught in the view. both kihyun and her knew she was looking at his lips. 

she wanted to take a bullet to her brain after the ceo smirked, clearly satisfied over his achievement. he had found what he wanted, her attention. "miss ha, gwenchana?" he asked, his smooth voice making her knees growing weak. 

even if he was mysterious and intimidating, he was attractive and fascinating. he was like a big light stick and she felt like a fly. everything he did or said, or even the way he carried him around, was like an invitation for her. she felt more and more attracted, just as if he was a light stick, he had a glow but a different kind of glow, a dark and mischievous one. 

she sighed and bowed deeply. "kamsahamnida sajangnim." clearly thanking him for bringing her home, he nodded. "no problem." 

seol turned around to open the door but he quickly grabbed her wrist. the grip wasn't hurtful, but it was steady and she noticed it was actually menacing, because of the look on his eyes. they glowed with a foxy even a malicious glow. "miss ha... for when can I expect an answer from you?" 

his eyes wouldn't let go of her just as his grip around her wrist. she wasn't in pain, it wasn't harmful but it was definitely intimidating. "uh... t-to-tomorrow, at the end of t-the day." her voice came out almost as a whisper. 

kihyun's lips changed, a visible smirk glowed in the dark. he let go of her arm and took a step back, fixing his tie. "arasseo... i'll expect you at my office then. good night miss ha." 

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