Chapter 1

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Barry's Point of View.
Six Months After His Mother's Death.

I was in my room packing my bags. I was heading off to Reptile camp. I was happy about going, but I mainly wanted to go to be alone. I was still upset about my mother dying and my father wrongfully going to prison for it. I put my red hoodie and a picture of me, my mom, and my dad in my bag. I zipped up my bag and went down stairs to see my foster father, Joe, and my foster sister, Iris, who were talking in the dinning room. I set my bag down by the door and came over to the table they were sitting at.

"Hey Bear. You excited for Reptile camp.", Joe asked me. I just nodded my head in response. "Barry, you should probably eat something before we go. Your going to be using a lot of energy."

I looked down at the floor and back to Joe.

"I'm not hungry.", I replied.

"Come on Barry. You have to eat something." Joe went over to the kitchen and came back out with some cereal. "Eat this."

"But, I don't-"

I was cut off by Joe.

"Bartholomew Henry Allen. We will not leave this house until you eat something. What your doing is very unhealthy." I could see Joe meant business, so I sat down and ate the cereal. After I was finished, Joe smiled. "See. It wasn't that hard."

I then went over to the kitchen sink, where I rinsed off my plate. I sighed as I looked at the summer leaves blowing against the wind. I starred out the window for another five minutes and then I felt a hand on the shoulder.

"Hey. You ok Barry?", asked Iris. I looked at her. She was, and still is, my crush. But, I can't tell her that now. It'll only make things awkward between us. I must of been starring because Iris gave me a funny look. "Barry? Are you in there?"

She waved her hand in front of my face and I snapped out of my trance.

"What?", I replied.

"Look Barry. I'm really sorry about your mom but you can't just stop eating or living your life."

"Iris. You don't understand-"

"No. You don't understand! I lost my mom too remember! But I didn't stop enjoying life. So, why should you?"

"Because Iris! You may of lost your mom, but at least you still had your father to go to! I don't!"

I ran out of the kitchen, past Joe, and into my room. I slammed the door shut as I wiped away tears. I then heard a knock on my door. I opened it to see Joe awkwardly standing in the doorway.

"Can we talk?", Joe asked. I nodded my head as we sat on my bed. "So, I kinda overheard your conversation with Iris. I know you miss your parents Barry, but you should really cherish the moments you have."

"But, I can't without them.", I replied.

"Oh, yes you can. You are strong Barry. You are about to go to a camp where you get to learn about reptiles, but instead your sitting here and crying about something you can't undo. I know you want them back, but your father told me to always look after you. That's what I'm doing."

I went up and hugged Joe.

"Thank you Joe."

"No problem.", he said laughing. "Now, promise me you'll start eating more and enjoying life more."

"I promise."

"Great. Now come here!"

Joe pulled me into a bear hug and we laughed for a bit. Joe then looked at his clock and smiled.

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