Chapter 17

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Barry's Point of View.
The Next Day.

I couldn't sleep through most of the night. I woke up really early and super speeded to Cisco's place. I knew he was watching a movie marathon, and he would be up. He opened the door and we sat on the couch for hours watching movies, crying about our pathetic love lives, eating pizza, and drinking pop. The marathon had ended and Cisco got up to stretch. He then sighed.

"I am truly sorry about you and Kara, Barry.", Cisco said.

"Me too.", I whispered.

I then looked at my phone to see I got a text from Felicity.

Felicity: I heard what happened from Iris. Are you ok?

Barry: No. I feel like my heart has been ripped out and torn to shreds.

Felicity: I am really sorry. I just don't know why she broke up with you. I thought she was head over heals for you.

Barry: I was hoping she felt that way too. I guess not.

Felicity: If you aren't feeling up to seeing Kara today, we can tell everyone about me and the vigilante another time.

Barry: No. Well do it today. I will tell everyone to come in Central city to come to Star Labs. You can get everyone from National city to come to Star Labs.

Felicity: Ok. See you in a couple hours.

Barry: See ya.

I turned my phone off as I turned to Cisco. We played a couple games and I took a shower. I even spent a whole hour rehearsing what I was going to say to Kara. Me, Cisco, Caitlin, Harrison Wells, Iris, and Joe all went to Star Labs. Felicity was supposed to get Alex, Kara, Eliza, and Winn. I figured while Felicity told everyone about her secret life, I could tell Joe and Iris about my secret life. We all got there and we meet in the cortex. We put my Flash suit in a different room for now. When Felicity showed up, only Winn was with her.

"Where's everyone else?", I asked Felicity.

"They're not coming.", Felicity said. "I'm sorry Barry. I know how much you were wanting to talk to Kara."

"It's fine. So, do you want me to start or you?"

"You. It'll make it a tad easier."

"Ok." I clapped my hands and everyone looked at me and Felicity's direction. "So, me and Felicity have two announcements. The first one has to do with me. The only people that don't know this about me is Joe and Iris."

Joe and Iris came closer to me. I super speeded to the other room, put my Flash suit on, and came back. I then took off my mask as Joe and Iris stood in shock.

"I have been writing a blog about the Flash. Or aka, you.", Iris said laughing.

"I'm proud of you. But, you better be god damn careful out there.", Joe said.

"I will.", I said smiling.

Felicity was about to speak, when Winn got a phone call. He talked for a moment and then turned off his phone.

"I'm sorry guys.", Winn said. "Kara needs me. Supergirl business."

Winn then dashed out of Star Labs, as Felicity continued nervously.

"As you all know I work in Starling city. But there's more to what I do. I don't only work for Queen Consolidated, but I also am a hacker for the Arrow.", Felicity mumbled.

"You work with the Arrow!", Cisco screamed excitedly. "That means you know who the Arrow is!"

"Oliver Queen is the Arrow.", I said accidentally.

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