Chapter 144

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One Week Later
Kara's Point of View

Barry and I walked into headquarters with Nora and Alura. Cisco said he had some big news, so we were curious to see what the news was. All the members of our team was here.

"So what's the big news Cisco?", Gypsy asked.

"Caitlin and I have successfully completed the meta/alien cure!", Cisco said happily.

We all got excited until Caitlin sighed.

"But the cure will take a long time to get into affect.", Caitlin said.

"How long?", Alex asked.

"A month."

"A month!", we all exclaimed.

"We can not wait a month to stop Cicada.", Arthur added.

"What do we do?", Felicity asked.

We all started thinking.

"I got it!", Ray yelled. "The speed force speeds up time, so if Barry or Bart runs into the speed force, it should speed up the cure time."

"That's a great idea.", Winn said.

"Can I do it?", Bart asked excited.

"Sure.", Barry said.

After Bart went into the speed force, Dinah came over.

"Hey Barry.", Dinah said. "Hey Kara. I was wondering if I could look at some case files from before the partial accelerator explosion. There's a serial killer in Star City and I think he used to be one in Central City."

"Yeah.", Barry said. "Of course. Just go over to the CCPD and I'll tell one of my forensics team to hand you the files."

"Thanks Barry. Well I gotta go."

A lot of people left. The rest of us started talking, when I had a similar feeling. I looked down.

"Hey guys.", I said.

"Yes sweetie?", Barry asked.

"My water broke."



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One Week Later
Barry's Point of View

I immediately took Kara into the med bay. Alex and Caitlin would be delivering the baby. While everyone was getting things set up, Nora and Alura came over to me.

"Daddy.", Nora said. "Why is mommy in pain?"

"Well.", I started but stopped. How do you explain to two five year olds about child birth? "Remember how your mommy and I have talked about how you two are getting a baby brother?" Both girls nodded. "Well he's coming. And he will be here before you know it."

After a couple hours of labor, the baby was here. I brought Nora and Alura into the med bay. Kara was laying on the bed holding John. I sat on the bed with Kara and the girls laid on both sides of Kara.

"Nora. Alura.", Kara started. "This is John. He's your new baby brother."

Alura and Nora smiled.

"He's so small.", Alura said.

"You were that small too at one time.", I said.

"Was I?", Nora asked excited.

"Yeah. You both were that small once."

"Can we hold him?"

"Yes, just be careful.", Kara said. "And make sure to support his head."

After Nora and Alura got to try and hold the baby, Alex came in.

"Sorry to interrupt.", Alex said. "But I just wanted to say that he has a high percentage of the speed force in his DNA. There is only a little bit of Kryptonian."

"Makes since.", I replied.

"You guys have the cutest kids."

Nora and Alura giggled, before looking back at John.

"Ready to raise three kids?", Kara asked smiling.

"Ready as any parent can be.", I replied.

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