Chapter 82

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Barry's Point of View.

I did it. I went back in time and saved my mom. I changed the time line.
I was in CCJitters. Every Sunday, she comes here.

"This is the day.", I whispered. "Today is the day I talk to her." I looked at my watch. "Where is she?" I than saw her walk in. Her blonde hair rests on her shoulders perfectly. She straightens her glasses and walks over to the counter. "Ok. Just say something clever." But before I could do anything, Kid Flash and the Rival were going against one another. I watched them fight and than went back to CCJitters. Kara was sitting at a table looking at her computer. I saw her wallet and super speed grabbed it. "Um excuse me?" Kara turned around. "Is this yours?"

"Oh wow.", Kara said. "Thank you. I didn't even realize I lost it."

"No problem." Ok. Introduce. "My names Barry."

"Kara." We shook hands and smiled at one another. "Thank you again for giving this back."

"Just being at the right place at the right time." I started walking away but stopped and got the courage to ask. "Do you want to get a drink? I know you have one now, but I mean later, with me. It could be anything you want."

"Sure." Kara laughed. "Yes. I would love to get a drink with you."

"Great." I laughed. "Ok. Bye."


I left and talked to Reverse Flash. I really hate that guy sometimes.  Afterwards, I went on my date with Kara.

"So what do you do Barry?", Kara asked.

"I'm a forensics scientist for the CCPD.", I said.

"That's so cool. I'm a reporter for CatCo."

"That's awesome."

I smiled as Kara laughed. I missed that laugh.

"You know something Barry. I never say yes to guys like that, when they ask me out. But I said yes to you."

"Some people are just meant to be in your life."

We smiled at one another, before crossing the street.

"Do you have a family?", Kara asked.

"A mom and a dad who are happily married. You?"

"Adoptive mother and sister."

"Cool. Get along?"

"Not really. My sister hasn't been there for me recently." I gave her a sympathetic look. "But it's fine. She does have a girlfriend. They are so in love. I hope I have what they have one day."

"Me too."

We smiled at each other for another five seconds. I than got a pounding in my head and saw images flash through me head. Me and Kara at the water front, finding out I'm going to be a father, professing my love for Kara, all of it.

"You ok Barry?", Kara asked worried.

"Yeah.", I said a little dazed. "I was just thinking about something, and than I lost it."

Just than the Kid Flash and Rival zoomed past us. Kara got an alert on my phone.

"Everything alright?"

"My boss needs me asap. Raincheck?"


Kara left as I zoomed to where Kid Flash was. He was knocked out. I took off his mask and saw it was Wally!

"Wally?", I asked.

"Who are you?", Wally asked.


Wally speeded me to Star Labs. Iris and Cisco were there.

"Dude!", Cisco yelled. "Don't bring strangers into my lab."

"You look familiar.", Iris said.

"I went to your elementary school."


"Barry but, it's ok."

"I can't believe this.", Cisco said. "Don't let strangers into my lab!"


"I don't know you string bean."

"String what?" I gave Cisco an odd look. He is much different than what he was. "Um, Mister Ramon."


I was about to say something when another vision appeared. This time it was me and Cisco. What is happening?

"You ok?", Wally asked.

"I will be."

I left and talked to Reverse Flash. I found out that I was losing my memories. I super speeded everyone I could think of to Star Labs. Cisco, Wally, Iris, Caitlin, and Kara.
I was wearing my suit, and everyone was so confused.

"Barry?", Kara asked.

"Hey.", I said awkwardly. After explaining what I did, everyone still didn't believe me. "I wonder if there's someone else on my team that we are forgetting."

"Barry? Can I talk to you?"

"Yeah." We walked into the hallway. "Look. I know this is hard to believe."

"I do believe you Barry. I have always felt something has been missing. But once I met you, I felt complete." Kara stepped closer to me. "What are we where you came from?"

"Husband and wife."

"Guys!", Cisco yelled. "We got something. The location of Rival. The old saw mill."

"Great.", Wally said. "Let's get him."

"Go get him Barry.", Kara said.

I nodded and me and Wally super speeded to the location. We found out his name was Edward Claris. He fought us, but he killed Wally. I attacked him from behind and knocked him out.
I said my goodbyes and had Reverse Flash reset the timeline. When I got back home, not to much was different. At first.

AN: Hey guys! I'm back baby! Sorry my updates took so long. School is so stressful. Anyways, hope you all like it!

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