Chapter 114

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Barry's Point of View

I woke up with probably the worst headache in the history of head aches. I looked around and saw I was in an unfamiliar place. We were locked up with tons of other people. Everyone was waking up.

"Is everyone ok?", I asked.

"Yeah.", they all said.

"Wait." Oh no. "Where's Kara?"

"They took her.", Alex said looking around. "This is bad. They will kill her."

"We will get her back.", Sara said. "But we need to find out where we are first."

"Grey.", Jax said. "Do you know where we are?"

"I have a theory.", Stein said. "That we are on Earth X."

"So this is Earth X.", Sara said looking around. "It is a hell hole."

"Hard to believe a place like this actually exists.", Alex said.

"All I know is, we need to get back home.", Oliver said. "Too save everyone we love."

"I hope everyone is ok.", I said.

After three failed attempts to get these cuffs off, a siren run throughout the grounds. People were lining up. They were taking us away along with another man, Ray. We reached a ditch, where they placed a bag over both mine and Oliver's head.

"Ready!", one Nazi yelled. "Aim!"

I heard a click of guns. They were going to shoot us.

"I love you Kara, Nora, and Alura.", I whispered.

A blast was heard. But I never felt anything.

"Fire.", a familiar voice said.

Wait. That's Snart's voice. Both me and Oliver took our bags off our heads. Sure enough, Snart was standing right there. Must be his doppelgänger.

"Leonard Snart?", I asked.

"Call me Leo.", Leonard's doppelgänger said.

"Kill them all!", yelled a Nazi.

We all jumped into the ditch, hiding from the Nazis and the bullets flying at us. Leo took Ray's meta cuffs off.

"You guys may want to close your eyes.", Ray said.

"Why?", Jax asked.

"Because." Ray flew up in the air and glowed really bright. Ray shot at a lot of the Nazis, while Leo unlocked the rest off us from our meta cuffs. Ray then landed back down. "I can do that." He then looked at us. "I would also like to know where you guys are from."

"Well.", Oliver said. Gun shots were heard in the distance. "How about we explain after we are done running for our lives."

"Good idea.", Leo said.

We all reached a base, after explaining that we are from Earth One. Another interesting fact was that Ray was from Earth One as well. Ray told us of a way to get home, but it is severely guarded by Nazis. Once Alex and I convinced Ray and Leo to help, we were on our way to the portal. Oliver pretended to be his doppelgänger to help us get in. Unfortunately, it failed and Red Tornado was coming. Red Tornado is planning to blow up our only chance of getting home. Me and Ray had to stop Red Tornado.



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Kara's Point of View

I woke up. I felt super weak, and I could tell I was tied to something. I saw that I was in the medical wing of Star Labs. A red sun lamp was weakening me, and my arms and legs were strapped to the table. Barry's doppelgänger walked in.

"And the super awakes.", said Barry's doppelgänger tauntingly.

"Where are my friends?", I asked. Evil Barry didn't answer. "Where are they?"

"Your friends and my doppelgänger are currently on Earth X."

I struggled to get free, but I couldn't free myself.

"Don't even try to get free.", my doppelgänger said walking in. "The red sun makes you very weak. But, this world has already made you weak. How can you be called the Girl of Steal?"

"I am more of the Girl of Steal then you will ever be."

"Believe that all you want." She laughed. "I will be the only Girl of Steal soon. Because once my Barry cuts you open and gives me your heart, I will be stronger and more powerful then ever before and you will be dead."

I struggled against the binds for what seemed like hours, but they wouldn't budge. I could feel my body becoming human. I was tired and worried. Not just for myself, but for my family and friends. My doppelgänger was put to sleep. They were going to start the procedure.

"Start the procedure Barry.", Oliver's doppelgänger said.

"Now Mrs. Allen.", Barry's doppelgänger said. "Unlike your doppelgänger who will be sleeping, you have to stay awake during the procedure."

"You won't get away with this.", I said. "Barry. My Barry will find you if you hurt me."

"He may be called the Flash, but I am faster then he will ever be."

Evil Barry was about to start cutting, when the lights went out.

"I thought everyone was accounted for.", Oliver's doppelgänger said.

"Only one way to find out.", said Barry's doppelgänger.

They left. After two minutes, Felicity and Winn showed up. They tried to help me escape, but we were captured once again.

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