Chapter 78

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Kara's Point of View.
Two Days Later.

Reign is getting stronger. We need to stop her.
Me and Barry took John's ship to a rock substance. We found the rock, but a tracker beam caught us.

"Hold on Barry.", I said.

"Why?", Barry asked putting his mask on.

"Because we are about to have a rough landing." We landed and saw a city. "How did we miss a whole city?"

"No idea." I tripped and scrapped my knee. "You are bleeding?"

"No powers here."

"Guess I get to protect you for a change." We went into the city. "We should change. No one knows who Supergirl and the Flash are."

"Got it." I found some clothes and we changed. "Let's find it. I think it's somewhere in the city."

"Let's search." Barry super speeded us to a temple area in the woods. "Found it in a Flash."

"Wait." I saw a memorial to all the Kryptonians who died. "How is this possible? A memorial to Kryptonians?"

"Does this mean this is what is left of Krypton?"

Just than robots surrounded us, and a group of people came forward.

"Surrender.", a woman said in the back.

She came forward. It was mother.

"Mom?", I asked.

"Kara?", my mom asked.

We hugged. I thought she was dead, but she is alive.

"How are you alive?", I asked.

"Your father was able to create a shield.", my mom said. "We would not of sent you away if we knew it would of worked."

"I was sent to Earth with Kal-El."

"I'm so glad Kal-El made it." My mother than looked at Barry. "Who is that?"

"Oh, right." Barry came over and we interlocked our hands. "Mom. This is my husband, Barry."

"It's a pleasure to meet you Mrs. Zorel.", Barry said. "You raised an amazing daughter."

"If you are with my daughter, that must mean you are a great man.", my mom said.

"We were wondering if we could borrow just a piece of the black rock.", I said.

"I will call a meeting.", my mom said. "But in the mean time, I would like to get to know my daughter and her husband better."

"Of course.", Barry said.

We walked to my mothers home.

"This is beautiful.", I said.

"Come sit.", my mother said. "So, how as your life been?"

"I was adopted by a great family.", I began. "I got a sister named Alex. Me and Barry have been married for a while now."

"When did you too meet?"

"A year after I came out of the phantom zone."

"What is your life like Barry?"

"Well I'm a hero along with Kara on earth.", Barry began. "I was adopted too, because my mother died. But my father is alive."

"How did you two meet?"

"At a camp."

"Which is at a lake.", I added. I looked at Barry and smiled. "Which is also where he proposed to me."

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