Chapter 117

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Kara's Point of View
Two Days Later

Barry and I were at Star Labs. Nora and Alura were playing with some toys on the floor. Barry was speeding around the speed lab while I was punching a metal. I had a lot of anger with Haley that I needed to get out. Barry stopped and got him and myself a towel and water.

"Thanks Barry.", I said taking a break.

"No problem Kara.", Barry said.

"I just hate being fired from the DEO."

"I still can't believe Haley can do that."

"I know right. Haley is now the director, Alex and Winn are miserable, and I can't help out the DEO."

"I'm sure you can get through to her. No one can get rid of the Girl of Steel."


"Hey guys.", Harry said walking in.

"Hey Harry.", Barry said. "How was your visit to Earth Two? Jesse doing ok?"

"Yeah. It was good. Her birthday was yesterday." Harry sighed. "I do not like how much she is growing."

"Everyone is growing up fast.", I said looking at Nora and Alura.

The lights started flashing. Barry grabbed the girls and we all ran up into the cortex.

"What's going on?", Barry asked.

"There is an emergency down at a boat in National City. It is being attacked by an unknown figure."

"Lets go.", I said.

I flew to the boat while Barry ran. When we got there, there was dead bodies all around.

"What do you think happened?", Barry asked.

He looked at one of the names on the people.

"I am not sure.", I said looking around. I then saw a shimmer pull one of the dead bodies into the water. "Did you see that?"

"See what?", Barry asked. "I didn't see anything."

"I could of sworn I saw a... shimmer?"

"A shimmer? Odd."

We waited for the specialists to arrive so they can take the bodies to the morgue. Unfortunately, the DEO also showed up.

"Supergirl. Flash.", Haley said walking up to us. Some agents were with her including Alex. "What an unpleasant surprise."

"Haley.", I said annoyed. "The same goes for you."

"Did you guys see anything?", Alex asked.

"I didn't but Supergirl did.", Barry said.

"I saw a shimmer pull one of the bodies into the water.", I said.

"A shimmer?", Haley asked. "That isn't very helpful." I sighed. "Just both of you leave. You have contaminated my crime scene long enough."

Barry and I left and went to Star Labs. When we arrived, we didn't expect to see Ralph with his leg burnt and Caitlin and Julian attending to his wound. Cisco, Harry, and Dominic were there as well.

"What happened?", Barry asked.

"Since you and Kara were dealing with the problem in National City, Ralph went to deal with the Axel, the Trickster."

"What! How?"

"He escaped out of prison from the help of a new nurse. Anyways, he was attacking the city and Ralph refused to do it not solo."

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